There are a few libraries that will stay non-gem default libraries, because they are very dependent on the specific Ruby version. About the project This repository contains four JSON files: default_gems.json bundled_gems.json ...
Formtastic 该gem 提供很棒的 DSL 支持,让你可以很容易的构建出漂亮直观的基于语义的 rich form,它提供的 DSL 很容易上手:只需要在一个 Semantic_form_for 代码块里列出所有的字段,然后就可以得到一个漂亮的 form: <%= semantic_form_for @post do |f| %> <%= f.inputs "Basic", :id => "basic"...
Formtastic 该gem 提供很棒的 DSL 支持,让你可以很容易的构建出漂亮直观的基于语义的 rich form,它提供的 DSL 很容易上手:只需要在一个Semantic_form_for 代码块里列出所有的字段,然后就可以得到一个漂亮的 form: 复制 <%= semantic_form_for@postdo|f| %><%= f.inputs"Basic", :id =>"basic"do%>...
has_many :section_tag_joins, dependent: :destroy has_many :tags, through: :section_tag_joins # the tags have an ordering (an array with their ids) serialize :tags_order, Array serialize :tags_order, type: Array, coder: YAML # a section has many lessons has_many :lesson_section_joins...
When Pocket Gems began building War Dragons in 2013, Manandhar and his teams always intended for the game to be heavily reliant on multiplayer, with players’ success dependent on teaming up with each other. “We always knew social interaction would be crucial to the game,” said Manandhar. ...
“brush” withPepsodent;its unique taste flavored with sassafras. My dentist’s recommendations during my cavity-prone years includedMentadentand Aim (neither of which took hold). And honorable mention goes toPearl Drops, which I never tried but was the first product to add sex appeal to ...
To combine the repulsion forces with our velocity constraint equation, the repulsion force is integrated over time to form a desired repulsion velocity . We can use simple Euler integration:Equation 7where t = t new - t old .The final velocity D i is obtained by adding and :...
If you have enjoyed the Glengesh Pass, then rest up and take the family on the kind of adventure that demands a barbecue and a bucket and spade. Although weather-dependent, this is an old-school family day out which won't cost much but is sure to please. (Drivers will have to pay...
you should mostly just use items with the highest Armor and Attack Power — finding some kit that gives you valuable stat and skill bonuses becomes very important as you progress through the campaign. Unfortunately, whether you get something good or not is entirely dependent on RNG,...
No comparisons were made between the performances of the two techniques because of the fundamentally different rendering solutions they both offer. The only generalized performance statement we can make about the two techniques is that they both have been shown to achieve real-time frame rates on mo...