Astro Memes Daily Horoscopes Generational Rulerships Sun Signs The Moon tells us about our emotional nature and basic needs. It is also the key to how we experience intimacy in relationships. The Moon tells us about our mother, as she is our first intimate relationship...
These 15 celebrities are Gemini Risings, including Dre Barrymore, Pamela Anderson, and Gordon Ramsey.
I previously mentioned thata person’s astrology involvesmuch more than just their Sun Sign. Discovering someone’s Rising Sign, Moon Sign, or Venus placement can help tremendously when selecting the perfect gift. Let me explain: The Ascendantor Rising Sign reflects a person’s identity and self...
Cafe Astrology's free reading of Gemini: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in the sign Gemini.
So Demetra George, for example, has a Gemini Moon, Robert Schmidt, who was the head translator Project Hindsight had a Gemini Moon, and I was always impressed by how innately or intuitively he seemed to be able to pick up ancient languages by just knowing the grammar and the syntax. He...
Saturday’s full moon is both of yours. Twin moon. Gemini moon. Full Frost Moon. Enough moon for all sides of you. You’ll feel a tension to balance both the personal and interpersonal components of your life. Self and other. Me and you. Us and them. Can you give equal attention to...
Gemini & Gemini Rising This is the first Gemini season in two years where your light gets to shine unobstructed. The eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio may have dislodged some psychic gunk from your system, but the Sun is here to help you puzzle together the pieces. ...
The north node in astrology is a point of destiny. Rather than a physical body, it is a calculation based on the Moon’s movement along the ecliptic, or the Sun’s apparent path. The year 2025 began with a major astrological movement when the north node entered Pisces, where it will re...
The Sun and Moon are in a close square with Neptune, the planet of dissolution. This also happens to be the last eclipse in the Sagittarius-Gemini series, which began at the solstice in December 2010. The last eclipse in a series represents a close to a chapter, a final outcome. Since...
Especially as the Gemini New Moon peaks on May 30, things will settle and it will be easier to return to your center. Your focus under the Gemini Sun is on grounding yourself and your energy. Especially when there is a lot of change around you, it is important to focus on feelings of...