我用Kimi将手册的主要内容做了总结翻译,原版PDF下载见文末。 Gemini for Google Workspace Prompting Guide 101 • April 2024 Edition 简介 •构建目的:帮助用户与Google Workspace中的AI进行协作,提升生产力和创造力。 •集成应用:Gmail、Google Docs、Google Sheets、Google Meet、Google Slides。 编写有效指令的...
一位 X 网友表示,在他进行的一个测试中,支持超长上下文的 Gemini 1.5 Pro 确实做到了 RAG 做不到的事情。RAG 要被长上下文模型杀死了?「一个拥有 1000 万 token 上下文窗口的模型让大多数现有的 RAG 框架都变得不那么必要了,也就是说,1000 万 token 上下文杀死了 RAG,」爱丁堡大学博士生符尧在评价 Ge...
https://www.dkmeco.com/community/whitepapers/gemini-for-gws-prompting-guide-101 (二维码自动识别) 如需了解其他企业如何使用 Gemini 与 Workspace,可点击此处观看;你还可以申请试用 Gemini for Workspace
https://twitter.com/omarsar0/status/1759936567672479872 https://www.promptingguide.ai/models/gemini-pro © THE END 转载请联系本公众号获得授权 投稿或寻求报道:content@jiqizhixin.com
I read Google's 70-page Gemini prompting guide, here's what I learned Google has a comprehensive guide to using Gemini in Google Workspace, and I read the entire thing. The mistakes to avoid when using ChatGPT There are a few things that you shouldn't do with ChatGPT Source: Uns...
review the general prompt-writing tips on page 2 and the Prompting 101 section at the beginning of this guide.Each prompt below is presented with an accompanying scenario to serve as inspiration for how you can collaborate with Gemini for Google Workspace.The prompt iteration exa 63、mple shows...
The Gemini prompting guide includes extensive advice on multi-modal prompting.JSON outputUse -o json_object 1 to force the output to be JSON:llm -m gemini-1.5-flash-latest -o json_object 1 \ '3 largest cities in California, list of {"name": "..."}'...
This guide illustrates various methods for prompting the Gemini API using uploaded PDF documents. All outputs are text-only. The Gemini 1.5 Pro and 1.5 Flash models can handle up to 3,600 pages per document. Supported file types for text data include: PDF: application/pdf JavaScript: applicatio...
https://twitter.com/Francis_YAO_/status/1758934303655030929 https://twitter.com/Francis_YAO_/status/1759962812229800012 https://twitter.com/omarsar0/status/1760128830230978925 https://twitter.com/omarsar0/status/1759936567672479872 https://www.promptingguide.ai/models/gemini-pro...
Giray L. Prompt engineering with ChatGPT: a guide for academic writers. Ann Biomed Eng. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-023-03272-4. Article Google Scholar Massey PA, Montgomery C, Zhang AS. Comparison of ChatGPT–3.5, ChatGPT-4, and orthopaedic resident performance on orthopaedic ...