实现精益生产的关键步骤之一是现场观察(Gemba Walk),通过现场观察,可以深入了解生产流程,发现潜在的浪费和瓶颈,并制定改进计划。 精益生产的本质:不断追求完美 精益生产的核心理念是通过持续改进消除一切浪费,实现最大化的顾客价值。这一理念源于日本丰田汽车公司,其核心思想包括准时化生产(Just-in-Time, JIT)...
or in business, “the place where value is created”. The Gemba Walk as a concept was created by Taiichi Ohno, the father of the Toyota Production System of lean manufacturing
Gemba Walk 是精益管理的基本组成部分。 它描述了对工作的个人观察,以了解更多信息。 Gemba 是一个日语单词,大致翻译为“真实的地方”,或者在商业中,“创造价值的地方”。 作为概念的 Gemba Walk 是由丰田精益制造生产系统之父大野耐一提出的。 大野想要鼓励管理人员离开他们的办公室,看看真正的工作发生在哪里。 他...
lean six sigma, service design, gemba walk, gemba walks, lean service design, lean servicesWhat do you see in a Gemba Walk
The concept of the Gemba means “the place where value is added” – which means that it’s the place where the work is done. In North America, the term “front lines” is a common term to describe the same concept. There is a related concept in Lean called theGemba Walk. ...
There is much confusion around Lean tools and the practice of a Gemba walk. Most commonly, leaders sometimes confuse a Gemba walk with the philosophy of Managing By Walking Around (MBWA). The two philosophies are truly in opposite camps, without similarity. ...
Break down barriers in the workplace Reveal opportunities for process improvements Help identify and eliminate waste Gemba: Find the source of waste with Gemba Walks. Gemba, or “the real place,” is where value gets created at your business. A Gemba Walk is the Lean manufacturing method that...
find the kaizen view to be sorely missing in mostgembawalks I observe. And yet I am pleased that more lean thinkers are moving beyond the "solutions lens" (which is notreally leanthinking at all), past the simple waste lens (yes, we don't want waste, but we need to seek understandin...
Gemba-Walk GembaWalk走动管理 Whatisgemba?走动是什么?GembacomesfromtheJapaneseexpressionmeaning“theactualplace”走动来自于日本,表达的意思是“实际发生的地方”Inthecontextofleanmanufacturing,itmeansthelocationwherevaluecreationtakesplace在精益生产的背景下,它意味着创造价值的场所 Whatisgemba?走动是什么?•Gemba...
A Gemba Walk is a method to engage the workforce in their native environment. The primary purpose of Gemba walking is to teach. When you are the Gemba walker, you are playing the role of sensei (mentor, coach, teacher). The role of the sensei is to ask questions, introduce new tools ...