如果已安装gem,但仍然提示command not found: 这可能是因为gem的安装路径没有被添加到环境变量PATH中。你可以通过运行which gem(Linux/macOS)或where gem(Windows)来查找gem的安装位置。 一旦找到gem的安装路径,你需要将其添加到PATH环境变量中。在bash中,你可以使用以下命令临时添加(重启终端后失效): bash export...
request #1438 by Nobuyoshi Nakada. * Fix building C extensions on Ruby 1.9.x on Windows. Pull request #1453 by Marie Markwell. * Handle symlinks containing ".." correctly. Pull request #1457 by Samuel E. Giddins. Minor enhancements: * Add `--no-rc` flag, which skips loading `.gemrc...
This command sets up the percentage High Threshold (QDEPTHHI) and turns on the checking for this threshold (QDPHIEV). In addition, this command also ensures that the percentage Low Threshold (QDEPTHLO) is lower than the High Threshold. The queue manager will send a Low Depth notification af...
OneNote client and OneDrive client have no relationship on Windows PC... Procedure entry point SetProcessMitigationPolicy not found in KERNEL32.dll when install OfficeSetup.exe on Win7 2024-10-29 11:54:17 The procedure entry point SetProcessMitigationPolicy could not be located in the dynamic...
Issue On Windows 11, Ruby 3.3.1 using Windows Ruby Installer w/ Devkit, I encountered the following native build issue: > gem install wdm Temporarily enhancing PATH for MSYS/MINGW... Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ruby安装后 -bash: gem: command not found 错误 我的环境是在CentOS6.X上安装,一下是我执行yum install ruby后的输出 显示成功安装! 但是当我执行gem update --system命令时却发现命令不存在 认为是可能需要另外安装 gem命令,于是乎,我就参考了https://rubygems.org/pages/download 但是遗憾是的,安装过程...
Handy command – mqerror Morag 2 This short blog post is here to share with you a simple cmd file I regularly use on my Windows machine to open my IBM MQ error logs. It saves me some typing and it might save you some too. I will share the complete script at the end. ...
Remove OneNote App with PowerShell Windows 10 Search the web and Windows - type Powershell - Right-Click - Run as administrator - input follow command line Get-AppxPackage *microsoft.office.onenote* | Remove-AppxPackage Remove OneNote App i... How to quicly select all Subpages in OneNote...
最近把mac系统升级到10.11系统,但是在用pod install命令的时候,却提示command not found.后来上网查了下才知道,Cocoapods在10.11系统上发生了变化。若遇到如下问题 install cocoapods 报错 为了解决上面提到的问题,以及Cocoapods在OS X 10.11系统上的正常使用,我们需要在命令行输入这样一句话, ...
Press OK on all the windows that were opened. Now in a command prompt that isnotrunning as Administrator, you should be able to successfully usestrmqm. You will probably need to sign out and in again in order for the changes to be picked up. ...