• Limit Order Price Protection: GEMX will introduce BX and NOM limit order price protection that will reject orders that arrive priced through the National Best Bid or Offer by the greater of a configurable percentage or absolute dollar amount • Acceptable Trade Range Protection: GEMX will ...
In 2018, the Group will continue with the R&D of liquefied A-class air, and strive to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, in a bid to create a new profit growth driver for the Group. DISCUSSION ON QUALIFIED OPINION 另外,本集團自2016年初即開始了液化A級 空氣的研發.但由於遇到液化A級...
If we are unable to retain them, our business may be severely disrupted and our operations, financial results and future prospects may be adversely affected; (iv) In order to bid larger scale or more complex projects, the Group may need to form joint venture with different business partners....
As the government projects can help to generate stable income for e-Perfect IT, it will strive to seize more similar opportunities and bid for more government projects in the future. 普暉科技目標成為香港的一站式資訊科技解決方案供應 商.於本年度,普暉科技作為香港政府資訊科技服務外 判策略的其中一...
Under the same reaction conditions, the highest chemoselectivity was observed for the formation of 2 ,2 -dichloro-2 ,3 -dideoxynucleosides, while a competing 2 ,3 -elimination process occurred in the case of the 3 ,3 -dichloro counterparts. Keywords: emphgem-dichlorination; modified nucleosides...
resolution: {integrity: sha512-aQv37pIMSlueybId/2PVSP6NPnmurFDVmZwzc7jszd2KAF8qd4VBbvNYPXWQq90WIARjsdVkPbw29pszmHws3Q==}'@codemirror/lang-javascript@6.2.2': resolution: {integrity: sha512-VGQfY+FCc285AhWuwjYxQyUQcYurWlxdKYT4bqwr3Twnd5wP5WSeu52t4tvvuWmljT4EmgEgZCqSieokhtY8hg==}'@...
resolution: {integrity: sha512-aQv37pIMSlueybId/2PVSP6NPnmurFDVmZwzc7jszd2KAF8qd4VBbvNYPXWQq90WIARjsdVkPbw29pszmHws3Q==}'@codemirror/lang-javascript@6.2.2': resolution: {integrity: sha512-VGQfY+FCc285AhWuwjYxQyUQcYurWlxdKYT4bqwr3Twnd5wP5WSeu52t4tvvuWmljT4EmgEgZCqSieokhtY8hg==}'@...