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美国麦迪卡电解质血气分析仪 EasyStat Analyzer 麦迪卡品牌 荟翊医疗科技(上海)有限公司 2年 查看详情 面议 四川成都 麦迪卡自动执行定标血气分析仪EasyBloodGas 自动 麦迪卡品牌 成都柏威斯科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 面议 四川成都 美国麦迪卡高效电解质血气分析仪 配套血气三级质控品 麦迪卡品牌 成都柏威斯科技有...
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1.外观设计产品的名称:急诊内科用血气分析仪(GEM3000). 1. The name of the product design: emergency medicine with blood gas analyzer (GEM3000). 2.外观设计产品的用途:急诊内科医疗仪器. 2. Product design uses: emergency medicine medical equipment. 3.外观设计的设计要点:在于整体形状与图案的结合. 3...
correlation and concordance of the results of bedside blood gas analyzer (GEM Premier 3000) and blood cell analyzer (BC-5800) for measuring hemoglobin and... 余跃天朱琤毛恩强殷荣李昱洁杭燕南曹建国 - 《医学临床研究》 被引量: 0发表: 0年
2021, Annales de Biologie Clinique Can we use a point-of-care blood gas analyzer to measure the lactate concentration in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with suspected meningitis? 2018, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine View all citing articles on Scopus ...
Inside the IL GEM® Premier™ 3000: GEMweb™ Software and the Study of the Cartridge Blood-Gas Data.10% 8% 8% 6% 6% 4% 4% 2% 2%F. BraconnierLaboratoire de BiochimieHôpital Henri Mondor
Minority Investments Accsys Technologies Plc Accsys Technologies Plc is an environmental science and technology company. The Company develops, commercializes and licenses technologies used in a wide range of everyday materials. Agrenco Ltd. Ag
AssessmentofCorrelationandConcordanceofGEMPremier3000BloodGasAnalyzerandBC‐ 5800BloodCellAnalyzerforDetectingHemoglobinandHematocritAssessedbyBland‐Altman Method YUYue‐tian,ZHUCheng,MAOEn‐qiang,etal(DepartmentofIntensiveCareMedicine, AffiliatedRenjiHospital,SchoolofMedicine,ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity,Shanghai200001,China...
Multi-site performance evalu- ation of pH, blood gas, electrolyte, glucose, and lactate determinations with the GEM Premier 3000 critical care analyzer. Point Care. 2002;1(3):135-144.Jacobs E,Ancy JJ,Smith M.Multi site performance evaluation of pH,blood gas,electrolyte,glucose and lactate ...