1.a semirigid colloidal dispersion of a solid with a liquid or gas, as jelly or glue. Comparesol4. 2.gelatin (def. 5). v.i. 3.to form or become a gel. 4.jell (def. 2). [1895–1900; shortening ofgelatin] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionar...
2 : a thin colored transparent sheet used over a stage light to color it 3 : a gelatinous preparation: such as a : hair gel b : hand gel gel 2 of 2 verbgelled; gelling intransitive verb 1 : to change into or take on the form of a gel : set 2 : jell sense 1 gel...
verb (used without object) ,gelled,gel·ling. to form or become a gel. jell(def2). Discover More Other Words From de·gel verb (used with object)degelleddegelling non·gel lingadjective re·gel verb (used without object)regelledregelling ...
The meaning of GEL is a colloid in a more solid form than a sol; broadly : jelly. How to use gel in a sentence.
gel 词典解释The spelling jell is usually used in American English and is sometimes used in British English for meanings 1 and 2. (亦拼作jell,通常用于美国英语中,表示义项1和2时有时也用于英国英语中) 1.合作愉快;合作顺利 If people gel with each other, or if two groups of people gel, they...
nounA semi-solidto almost solidcolloidof a solid and a liquid, such asjelly,cheeseoropal. nounAny gel intended for a particularcosmeticuse, such as for styling the hair. verbtransitiveTo apply (cosmetic) gel to (the hair, etc).
gel2verb(gelled,gelling)1(alsojellespecially American English)[intransitive]if a thought,planetc gels, it becomescleareror moredefiniteDon’t start writing until the idea has gelled in your mind.2(alsojellespecially American English)[intransitive]if two or more people gel, theystartworking welltoge...
"semi-solid substance," 1899, as a chemical term, short forgelatinand perhaps influenced byjell. The invention of this word is credited to Scottish chemist Thomas Graham. Hair-styling sense is from 1958. also from1899 gel(v.) 1902, "to become a gel," fromgel(n.). Figurative sense "co...
jell sense 1 gelable词源英文解释 Noungelatin The first known use of gel was in 1899 gelable儿童词典英英释义 gel1 of 2noun a solid jellylike colloid (as gelatin dessert) gel2 of 2verb to change into or take on the form of a gel ...
It forms all or part of: chill; cold; congeal; cool; gel; gelatine; gelatinous; gelato; gelid; glace; glacial; glaciate; glaciation; glacier; glaciology; glacis; jell; jelly. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Latin gelare "to freeze," gelu "...