2010The Greenhouse-Geisser CorrectionHerv´ e Abdi1 Overview and backgroundWhen performing an analysis of variance with a one factor repeatedmeasurement design, the effect of the independent variable is testedby computing an F statistic which is computed as the ratio of the ofmean square of ...
In Neil Salkind (Ed.),Encyclopedia of Research Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2010 The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction Herv′e Abdi 1 Overview and background When performing an analysis of variance with a one factor repeated measurement design, the e?ect of the independent variable is tested ...
2.1 Greenhouse-Geisser correction Box’s approach works for the population covariance matrix, but, un- fortunately, in general this matrix is not known. In order to estimate ε we need to transform the sample covariance matrix into an esti- mate of the population covariance matrix. In order to...
I am not able to run repeated measure ANOVA with Greenhouse-Geisser Correction. Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible fromstatsmodels.stats.anovaimportAnovaRMcorrected_r_measure_anova=AnovaRM(bpdata,'Score','Athelete',within=['Test_State'],correction='GG') Note: As you can see, ...