贝克市(OR) 盖泽尔大酒店 (Geiser Grand Hotel)酒店预订:在线即时确认,Agoda 贝克市(OR) 盖泽尔大酒店 (Geiser Grand Hotel)最低价格保证。 坐落于Baker City的中心地带,盖泽尔大酒店是游览贝克市(OR)的优质之选。 在这里,住客们可轻松前往市区内各大旅游、购物、餐饮地
Baker City was once home to Oregon's booming mining and timber industry of the 1890's. While enjoying your stay at the Victorian style Geiser Grand don't forget to venture out into downtown or one of the top destinations listed below. Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort Hells Canyon National Sceni...
盖泽尔大酒店(Geiser Grand Hotel) 1996 Main St, 贝克显示地图 开业:1889不论是商务还是休闲旅客,盖泽尔大酒店都能让您的贝克之行变得更加美好而难忘。从酒店出发,至贝克机场仅有6km远。附近很多景点,包括Glacier 45 Distillery、Short Term Gallery和Baker City Mini-Loop都离酒店不远。查看更多 ...