FPS overlay not showing on some game | NVIDIA GeForce Forumswww.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-experience/14/291124/fps-overlay-not-showing-on-some-games/ 故障详细: 使用N卡的PC在游玩《崩坏:星穹铁道》时,GeForce帧数不显示,截图被存入名为“Decktop”的文件夹并显示为黑屏,即时重放正常但...
Windows 10 and Windows 11’s N edition and KN edition do not have the Windows Media Feature Pack pre-installed. So, if you use either of theseWindows editions, you’ll need to install the appropriate Media Feature Pack to fix the NVIDIA overlay not showing the FPS issue. Here’s how: ...
[NVIDIA app] FPS overlay showing NA in multiple games 〔NVIDIA应用程序〕在多个游戏中显示NA的FPS...
The GF Experience version cannot show the FPS in overlay (showing "S.O" instead), and the Performance part it is obvious that the GF Experience cannot read all the informations (panels are empty with the indicator showung that it is trying to read something but it cannot), ...
FPS overlay not showing on some games? 0 Vicky1905 1 GeForce Experience Bundle code expired 0 Kuoers 19 GeForce Experience GeForce Experience RAM Usable incorrect 0 brar451 0 GeForce Experience Nvidia App continues to be the biggest piece of trash in existence ...
Could even be the perf overlay not showing correctly Neil79, Feb 2, 2024 #215 Aragorn Active Member Messages: 53 Likes Received: 4 GPU: XFX RX480 8GB hello im stick with 546.17 driver but i noted random lag/stuttering on windows desktop with win11. Is a nvdia driver issue ? Do...
Toggled MSIAB overlay off... MSFS crash. GPU/driver message. Retried a dozenish times and sometime crash on load, sometimes flight, sometime finish flight butr crash on exist, downclocked gpu, same, repeat etc. One thing to note is on DX12 and DLSS at quality could never start a fli...
[NVIDIA app] FPS overlay showing NA in multiple games [4608943] [GeForce Experience] Flickering or black screen if Instant Replay is enabled [4665009] LG OLED48C4 TV is not detected as G-SYNC Compatible [4645783] LG 32GS95UE is not detected as G-SYNC Compatible [4564083] ...
D3D9 Overlay: Not Supported DXVA-HD: Supported DDraw Status: Enabled D3D Status: Enabled AGP Status: Enabled MPO MaxPlanes: 1 MPO Caps: Not Supported MPO Stretch: Not Supported MPO Media Hints: Not Supported MPO Formats: Not Supported PanelFitter Caps: Not Supported PanelFitter...
It's not much, but it's quite welcome, and it's not in-your-face. We plan to do a slightly longer article for the weekend, so stay tuned! You can download the NVIDIA App from here.Related News Tags: Game Ready GeForce Experience NVIDIA NVIDIA App Overlay reward WHQL ...