The driver package provides the installation files for NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Driver 342.01 for Windows 10 64-bit system. If you consider updating this driver package by Driver Genius, all you need to do is clicking the Update button beside this driver update. Driver Genius will install the dri...
Hi there... i have recently bought a computer, here are it's specs Core 2 Quad 2.4GhZ Ram 2GB Display Card XFX 8600GT 512MB im running WindowsXP
Both GeForce 8800 GTS cards demonstrate identical results, while the GeForce 8600 GTS is twice as slow. What concerns a comparison of the GeForce 8800 GT and GTX, the new product is outperformed by the GTX card. But the difference reaches 10-12% in this complex test! Modified TMUs with mo...
3.0:录制(显卡驱动337.50,如果您运行的是Windows 7,则需要启用Windows Aero。若要启用,在个性化中选择Windows Aero主题)、屏幕快照、叠加功能、驱动程序、OPS(Optimal Playable Settings最佳游戏设置,每秒至少提供30/40/60帧画面,为了确定最佳可玩设置的系统配置,我们阅读了CPU和GPU的品牌和型号。要读取您的时钟速度,需...
Windows 10 Driver GeForceWindows 10 Driver 驅動程式版本:341.81 發佈日期:Mon Aug 24, 2015 作業系統:Windows 10 64-bit 語言:Chinese (Simplified) 檔案大小:282.84 MB 下載 *下載檔案包含 NVIDIA 繪圖驅動程式和安裝 GeForce Experience 應用程式選項。詳細的軟體使用事項請參考NVIDIA GeForce 軟體授權條款和GeForce...
Step 2 - Install Your Driver After downloading your new driver, installation is the next step. On Windows, utilize the built-in Device Manager utility to manage this process. This tool provides a comprehensive view of all system-recognized devices and their associated drivers. To complete the in...
The GeForce 8800 GT is set to be released on October 29th.NVIDIA Releases New ForceWare 162.22 / 163.11 Beta Drivers For Vista by HellasVagabond Jul 12th, 2007 03:11 Discuss (3 Comments) Nvidia has released the new Official 162.22 and 163.11 Beta Forceware drivers for Windows Vista. The ...
GeForce Game Ready Driver是NVIDIA(英伟达)公司针对GeForce显卡系列推出的驱动程序。它对于计算机中的图形处理能力起着至关重要的作用,特别是对于那些需要高性能图形处理的游戏和其他应用程序。这个驱动程序的主要功能和特点包括: 1. 优化性能:GeForce Game Ready Driver能够确保显卡的最佳性能,通过优化游戏和其他应用程序...
日前,NVIDIA就发布了全新的GeForce 320.14 Beta测试版驱动,使命就是优化了《地铁:最后的曙光》(Metro: Last Light ),使性能提升高达10%。 320.00版驱动隶属于最新的R320序列,编译于5月7日,支持GeForce 8000/8000M以来的所有桌面、笔记本显卡和ION离子平台,操作系统支持Windows XP/Vista/7/8。驱动包内有PhysX 9.12...
Driver Version:341.74 Release Date:Wed Jul 29, 2015 Operating System:Windows 10 64-bit Language:Português (Brazil) File Size:282.85 MB Download Now *This download includes the NVIDIA graphics driver and an option to additionally install the GeForce Experience application. Details for use of the ...