such as seeing error code in Device Manager or even occasional blue screen of death are not uncommon. Normally, the above problems are caused by outdated or faulty graphics card driver for your NVIDIA GeForce 210. However, 笔记本: 如果是其他的系统你可以直接去官方网站。网址如下: ...
如果是XP系统的话: 安装这个驱动就可以了!!
有的 一般的大型3D游戏 的光盘插件选项里都有N卡物理加速驱动找到就可以了 。单独找的话很麻烦的 望给分采纳
VISTA和win7的驱动是一样的 VISTA 64位/WIN 7 64位 --- VISTA 32位/WIN 7 32位 ... 上这去找找吧 一个是普通的显卡,一个是技能HD高清的显卡,随便你用哪个都行,你右键桌面空白的地方右键属性进去再点设置里面可以选择用哪个显卡!没关系的- -! 你就选择G210好了,玩游戏玩,看高清片子不错。
GeForce 3..64bit 下载:发布重点这是 R304 系列 (304.xx to 306.xx) 中的首款 WHQL 认证驱动
发布重点This is the GeForce Game Ready driver for Crysis 3. It delivers a smoother gaming experience, improves single GPU performance by up to 5%, and boosts SLI performance by up to 65% (compared to GeForce 310.90 WHQL driver).Instantly apply optimal game settings for Crysis 3 with GeForce...
Tesla M2090, Tesla M2075, Tesla M2070-Q, Tesla M2070, Tesla M2050, Tesla M1060 X-Class Processors: Tesla X2090 K-Series Processors: Tesla K10 原文: