Hardware:NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 5GB Software type:Driver Software nameDriver Version:419.17 File Size:549.22Mb Archive type:LZMA2:26 LZMA:20 BCJ2 Self-Extracting Compatibility:List of compatible Device Ids(4045) Released:21 Feb 2019 System:Windows 10 64-bit ...
1、解决了在12代酷睿上长时间玩《PUBG》的稳定性问题,可以一直吃鸡了。 2、修复了GTX 10和RTX 20系显卡,在同时启用Windows硬件加速GPU调度和NVIDIA SLI时,电脑可能会随机进入休眠的问题。 3、修复了 HTC Vive Pro 2 启用带多显示器的VR HMD后,系统崩溃并进行错误检查的问题。 纠错 综合评分 0 0人参与评分...
NVIDIA英伟达GeForce Game Ready Driver显卡驱动551.61 WHQL版For Win10-64/Win11(2024年2月23日发布) NVIDIA刚刚发布了最新的GeForce Game Ready Driver 551.61版显卡驱动,支持同时的发布的NVIDIA App程序。 NVIDIA App将之前的NVIDIA控制面板和GeForce Experience程序整合到了一块,可以更方便的管理各种设置。需要注意的是...
此外,我们还支持 10 个新的 GeForce Experience 最佳可玩设置配置文件。 要在Windows 10 和 Windows 11 系统上下载并安装,只需启动GeForce Experience并单击“驱动程序”选项卡。 为所有最新游戏做好准备 下载我们最新的 Game Ready 驱动程序以获得最新游戏的最佳体验,并详细了解 Game Ready 驱动程序必须提供的所有内...
Download the Chinese (Traditional) GeForce Game Ready 驅動程式 for Windows 10 64-bit systems. Released Tue Aug 20, 2019
该游戏的推荐配置包括:Core i7-3820处理器、12GB内存、GTX 970/1060显卡、4GB显存、Windows 10年度更新版系统。 另外,新驱动还对驱动组件进行了安全更新,加入《ARK》SLI优化档案,并修复了八处Bug。 支持显卡型号 GeForce 10 Series: NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal), GeForce GTX 1080, GeForce GTX 1070, GeForce GTX ...
Operating System:Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 Language:English (US) File Size:665.25 MB Download Now *This download includes the NVIDIA graphics driver and an option to additionally install the GeForce Experience application. Details for use of the software can be found in theNVIDIA GeForce Soft...
Therefore, Windows uses these files to install drivers to detect the devices and components installed on your system, but also to configure them in order to fully exploit them.You will find below the details of each INF file associated with this driver....
Therefore, Windows uses these files to install drivers to detect the devices and components installed on your system, but also to configure them in order to fully exploit them.You will find below the details of each INF file associated with this driver....
2.删除显示器顺序相关的注册表项:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Connectivity]3.关机。最好先把Windows 10的快速启动功能关掉4.拔下显卡上所有显示器的连接线...