Ansible Role - MySQL. Contribute to geerlingguy/ansible-role-mysql development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hi, geerlingguy.mysql, version: 2.7.0 OS: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) Error: TASK [geerlingguy.mysql : Ensure MySQL is started and enabled on boot.] *** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, ...
I was reading the post at to set up my lamp install. When running ansible, I get this error: TASK: [../galaxy-roles/geerlingguy.mysql | Update MySQL root password for localhost root accoun...
- name: "Check whether {{ mysql_datadir }}/mysql exist." stat: path: "{{ mysql_datadir }}/mysql" register: mysql_folder_stat when: mysql_datadir != "/var/lib/mysql" - name: "Synchronize /var/lib/mysql content to {{ mysql_datadir }}" synchronize: src: "/var/lib/mysql/." ...
All of a sudden, I'm getting the following error: TASK [geerlingguy.mysql : Ensure default user is present.] *** [WARNING]: Module did not set no_log for update_password fatal...
Issue Type Bug Report Your OS macOS (10.12.6) Full console output / Summary After a docker-compose up, using the Drupal VM docker image doesn't have MySQL running—see the output below (after logging into the Drupal VM container with dock...
# MYSQL_DATABASE= # MYSQL_HOSTNAME= # MYSQL_PASSWORD= # MYSQL_PORT= # MYSQL_USER= # Another common use case is to set Drush's --uri via environment. # DRUSH_OPTIONS_URI= 61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions 61 .gitattributes Show comments Edit file Delete fil...
That's what conf.d/* directories are for. They let administrator / administrator tools manage configuration and keep it across upgrades. Any sane system's /etc/mysql/my.cnf contains !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/ Having role's configurat...
You can override this if needed when using dataimport and delta imports (ex: comparing against a MySQL external data source). Read through Apache Solr's Working with Dates documentation for more background. solr_opts: "$SOLR_OPTS -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true" Solr options. This option ...
Task 1: Ensure MariaDB PID directory exist n is writable by mysql_user Task 2: Ensure MariaDB log directory exist n is writable by mysql_user Task 3: Create a config file (mariadb.conf OR {{mysql_daemon}}.conf) at /etc/tmpfiles.d that would enable systemd to create directory for ...