Confirm the patient’snameanddate of birth. Explainthat you’d like to take a history from the patient. Gain consentto proceed with history taking. General communication skills It is important you do not forget thegeneral communication skillswhich are relevant to all patient encounters. Demonstrating...
I’m going to ask the patient about their social historyIf the patient has a diagnosis of bowel cancer, I need to see whether they would be fit enough to survive the surgery, so I will ask in detail about their baseline function before admission. ...
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History The typicalhistoryof a patient with pityriasis rosea follows a sequence of stages includingprodromal symptoms, aherald patchand finally a morewidespread rash. Prodrome The prodromal phase usually lasts a few days and includes mild fever, headache, malaise, pharyngitis and joint pain. ...
When taking a history for a patient with suspected syphilis, it is important to document where thepatient grew up, as some patients may have had a previous infection of non-venerealTreponema pallidum. The geographic distribution of yaws, pinta and bejel include:11 ...
History It is important to obtain adetailed descriptionof the epistaxis, including: Which side the bleed originated from, and whether it began anteriorly or posteriorly: Asking whether the patient has noticed the sensation of blood dripping down their throat may help to distinguish between anterior ...
You can customise each virtual patient to focus on particular medical conditions or presentations. Create AI virtual patients using our platform We offer a selection of free AI virtual patients to try. Unlock full access by subscribing to our OSCE stations collection or a Geeky Medics bundle Ta...
Insevere hypocalcaemia(calcium < 1.9 mmol/L or symptomatic at any level below reference range), firstly give 10–20 mL of 10%calcium gluconatein 50–100 mL of 5% glucose IV over 10 minutes, with cardiac monitoring. Thiscan be repeateduntil the patient is asymptomatic. It should be...
The next team of clinicians on shift should beinformedof anyacutely unwell patient. Document Document yourABCDE assessment, including history, examination, observations, investigations, interventions, and the patient’s response. The ABCDE approach can also form thestructurefor documenting your assessment....
No history of head trauma. Ifall 4of these factors are present, there is a4 in 5 chancethat the patient has had a stroke. If1-3of these factors are present, the probability of stroke is increased above the baseline10%, but it’s uncertain. Ifnoneof these 4 factors are present, the...