welcome to geek For the Love of Geek! ... because your fandom deserves more than just a shoutout. From the classics to the latest obsessions, we’ve got the gear to match your geeky passion. To see more merch from all your favorite shows head over to the IGN Store... shop now...
Talking tech for the common man. With a twice weekly tech podcast covering a wide range of technical news. A Top Tech Podcasts with host Todd Cochrane
As being a programmer, you will always need some tools to reduce the work efforts and increase the efficiency. To make it possible, various plugins and spinets are available on internet that you can download and implement while programming. Basically, source code is the main component for ...
I fit the childhood profile of many professional computer geeks: what was I doing being anything else? There were a few factors in effect: they weren’t really connected to gender, in that nobody told me I shouldn’t be coding because that’s a boy’s thing, but they still played ...
Questions for Nicholas de Monchaux, author ofSpacesuit: Fashioning Apollo:Like few others in the whole process, [the Playtex seamstresses] really had the lives of the astronauts literally in their hands. They had a skill and dedication that was unparalleled. The same women have made U.S. space...
In order for a person to commence coding, they must first identify themselves as a geek. This is achieved by beginning the code with a "G" which stands for "GEEK", followed by one or two letters that indicate the geek's profession or area of expertise. Geeks who possess multiple skill...
If you do so, then every emails that you check won’t have support for style tags. This is what Email Geeks have nicknamed GANGA for Gmail apps with non-Gmail accounts. This is a very common occurrence that you can have. Rémi Parmentier: Then you have a lot of cases for smaller or...
Final words of advice for your fellow geeks:“Be passionate about what you do. If you do things with passion, you radiate waves. Eventually these waves spread out, hit things, and get reflected back to you amplified. There is a cliché that ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you ...
Wednesday, March 23: Drinks With Geeks (A Fundraiser to Support GeekGirlCon) 5:30pm – 10:00pm, Peddler Brewery 1514 NW Leary Way, Seattle, WA We have a question for you! Want to support GeekGirlCon by drinking a pint and eating a grilled cheese sandwich? If your answer is yes (...
When I was exposed to Microsoft Word, my world suddenly expanded. My earliest questions were answered, but more emerged: How were different-shaped and -sized letters and colors made? When I discovered fonts and colors, I had to change the formatting of every paragraph because it was fun. I...