Try our test prep resources risk-free today and achieve the test score you want Start your GED prep How do you study for the GED? The GED exam measures your understanding of the high school-level topics in the areas of math, science, social science, and language arts. You can find many...
to accessibility. Unfortunately, you cannot yet take the test in all 50 states (the test is not available in Iowa, Maine, or Tennessee). However, every resource you will need regarding the test—from the “when” and “where” to study guides—is made available online for your convenience...
Find free online GED prep courses. The Internet offers plenty of free online courses to help prepare test-takers for the GED. For instance, GED Prep at Free-Ed.Net offers a free, comprehensive study plan, with classes starting at the beginning of each month. features online ...
Tennessee YES YES 17+ N/A Texas YES YES 16+ N/A Utah YES YES 16+ N/A Vermont YES YES 16+ N/A Virgin Islands YES YES 17+ N/A Virginia YES YES 16+ FREE Washington YES YES 16+ N/A West Virginia YES NO N/A FREE Wisconsin YES YES 17+ N/A Wyoming YES NO 16+ N/A * Addi...
to accessibility. Unfortunately, you cannot yet take the test in all 50 states (the test is not available in Iowa, Maine, or Tennessee). However, every resource you will need regarding the test—from the “when” and “where” to study guides—is made available online for your convenience...
When preparing for your HiSET or GED tests, you can take advantage of the study materials available through these links: HiSET Language Arts - Writing: Prep and Practice HiSET Language Arts - Reading: Prep and Practice HiSET Social Studies: Prep and Practice ...