): Captive bred reptiles and a large variety of supplies for sale. Hall of Fame Reptiles(Popularity: ): Breeder of boas, pythons, cornsnakes, milksnakes and lizards. The Reptile House(Popularity: ): Breeder of reptiles and sugargliders. Also provide advice and rescues unwanted reptiles. ...
Jordan Millard, 21, who lives in England UK, currently keeps one viper gecko and plans to hopefully breed them in the near future once he knows a little more about them. He also is a keen keeper of leopard gecko and mantis, and is planning to breed his leopard geckos. ...
Funding was provided for this project from WWF Hong Kong. Author information Authors and Affiliations WWF-Hong Kong, Tai Po, Hong Kong Jovy Y. S. Chan Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Wildlife Trade Research Group, Oxford, UK Vincent Nijman Monitor Conservation Research Society, Big Lake Ranch,...