Xbox Association » OMFG, My city name is bad according to M$ [QUOTE="GEARSofWAR360"][QUOTE="zinngg"] See their is this other little race and its called the jews do you hear us complain no. And if it is it is like in a comedy act every now and then. Jews have been totur...
来自IGN媒体报道,年度最佳XBOX360独占百万射击大作《战争机器2》(Gears Of War 2)再传PC版将于今年12月4日发售,这条消息并没有得到Epic Games及Mi 分享49赞 neca吧 Tokyohot 【SDCC2019】Storm 战争机器怪物上展Storm Gears of War Warden Added To Display +6 分享912 战争雷霆吧 a13102415 【情报】没组...