Processor: AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz or higher; Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or higher Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 3870 or higher; NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher For the bestGears of War 2 PCexperience, however, we recommend having a system equal to or better than than the following specificat...
Gears of War 2 PC Download Password: Gears of War 2 has not been released on PC. Download ROM on PlayStation or Xbox Gears of War 2 System Requirements Not Released For Microsoft Windows Gears of War 2 ScreenshotsCategories Shooter Tags Download Gears of War 2, Download...
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“...the best way to play Gears of War yet.”– The Verge This game has been designed to showcase the latest in PC gaming performance. To check if your specifications meet the minimum requirements, open System by clicking the Start button, clicking Settings, and then click About. CAMPAIGN...
注:终极版收录了当年PC的独占战役。 战争机器2 Gears of War 2 X360 (2008-11-07) X360 (2008-12-07,限定版) X360 (2009-07-28,DLC:黑暗角落“Dark Corners”) X360 (2009-10-02,年度版) 战争机器3 Gears of War 3 X360 (2011-09-20) ...
这是 Epic 在《战争机器》(Gears of War)初代发售时,对系列后续动向所作出的发言。作为现如今主机...
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“...the best way to play Gears of War yet.”– The Verge This game has been designed to showcase the latest in PC gaming performance. To check if your specifications meet the minimum requirements, open System by clicking the Start button, clicking Settings, and then click About. CAMPAIGN...
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