多合一录音与表演工作室 带有8轨录音机 + DAW,looper,调音器,练习工具和现场功能,全部都在一个软件中。 免费的预设分享社区 通过从任何版本的AmpliTube 5中直接访问ToneNET来查找新声音或上传您自己的声音。 TONEX AI 机器建模集成 轻松搜索、过滤和加载任何 TONEX 音色模型,实现无限创意5X...
多合一录音与表演工作室 带有8轨录音机 + DAW,looper,调音器,练习工具和现场功能,全部都在一个软件中。 免费的预设分享社区 通过从任何版本的AmpliTube 5中直接访问ToneNET来查找新声音或上传您自己的声音。 TONEX AI 机器建模集成 轻松搜索、过滤和加载任何 TONEX 音色模型,实现无限创意5X...
Our comprehensive guide breaks down the best IR options, from premium collections like OwnHammer and York Audio to impressive affordable alternatives. Whether you're a bedroom producer or touring professional, we'll help you find the perfect IR solution for your setup. Read More Last updated ...
New York –Ranking fifth in both access to healthcare, this state even ranks second place nationwide for access to food. California –Although this state ranks only as 6th for being the healthiest state, ranks first for access to food category. States Indexed at the Bottom of Healthiest States...
Guitarist, Singer · Rory Gallagher Band Jeff Beck Guitarist · The Yardbirds Derek and the Dominos Equipboard breaks down the gear, tools, and products used by artists, pros, and influencers in their craft. Add to Equipboard Add artist or bandAdd music gearAdd music gear to artistContributor...
---> Enjoy the Music.com Sponsors Florida Intl Audio Expo 2024. The Intro Editorial By Art Dudley Until eight or nine months ago, Listener Magazine rented office space U on the second floor of what used to be the Oddfellows Hall in Oneonta, New York. Our two rooms were toward the back...
For 15 years, Outside Lands has been one of the Bay Area’s premiere music events, sporting Meyer Sound systems provided by Ultrasound and McCune... Live Gear Best-Tronics Packs Rockers’ Racks with RF Venue By Mix Staff ⋅ Published: 08/08/2023 Chicago-based Best-Tronics Manufacturing...
多合一录音与表演工作室 带有8轨录音机 + DAW,looper,调音器,练习工具和现场功能,全部都在一个软件中。 免费的预设分享社区 通过从任何版本的AmpliTube 5中直接访问ToneNET来查找新声音或上传您自己的声音。 TONEX AI 机器建模集成 轻松搜索、过滤和加载任何 TONEX 音色模型,实现无限创意5X...
Music Go RoundCockeysville, MD 10118 York Rd Cockeysville, MD 21030 Get Directions 410-666-3996 Send an Email Sign Up For Our Loyalty Program Store Hours Sunday: 12:00 PM-4:00 PM Monday: 10:00 AM-8:00 PM Tuesday: 10:00 AM-8:00 PM ...
将音色模型拖放到 AmpliTube 装备链中,或从右侧面板通过 Skin 加载它们。使用高级过滤器浏览付费的 TONEX 合集,并使用新的“Open TONEX App”按钮快速访问 app 以编辑、重命名或从 ToneNET 下载更多音色模型。 获取AmpliTube 5的TONEX AI Machine Modeling...