Gear 5 ("Gear Fifth") is the awakened form of the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, which strengthens the user's rubbery body. It also allows the user the ability to manipulate and transform their environment, similar to a Paramecia's awakening.[2] Luffy ach
, literally meaning "Rubber Rubber Giant's Axe"): The Gear 3 version of Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Ono technique. Luffy shoots his leg into the air, transfers the air in his body to his leg, then brings it down on his target. It has even more power due to his enlarged foot and leg....
When Luffy is oblivious and stupid, it’s classic. When Kucabara is oblivious and stupid, it’s cliché. Her name is Samus? Seriously? How is that not on the international list of Names Never to Use? Enigma 3 [scanlation by CXC Scans] At first glance, Hasekura seems only to fulfill ...
夜空(NightSky) / 杂项(Miscellaneous) / 全部_HD_(Everything _HD_) / 高清世界(HDWorld) / 巨型叶(Giant Leaf) / 对象(Objects) 2141张 装车齿轮(Loadout_Cogwheel) Awesomenauts(Awesomenauts) / 杂项(Miscellaneous) / 菜单(Menus) / 菜单(Menu) 1370张 路飞_路飞的齿轮2nd_(Luffy _Luffy Ge...
Gear 2 ("Gear Second") is a technique that uses the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi to enhance the user's speed and mobility. It was first seen in Luffy's fight against Blueno.[1] This technique involves Luffy speeding up the blood flow in all or selected b