Tom Bihn Smart Alec(2022) durable bucket style day pack. Stands up by itself and is easily accessible through the top zippered opening without spilling. In this season of life this pack has two functions. When we are using planes as our transportation it is filled with the items I am not...
Stacking overdrive pedals is more art than science, opening up a world of tonal possibilities that a single pedal just can't match. Whether you're after subtle warmth or face-melting saturation, understanding how to combine different overdrives will give you the tools to craft your perfect soun...
Motion capture Mizuho Yoshida (MGS2) Ryoji Okamoto (MGS4) "Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies... what we've seen, heard, felt ...anger, joy and sorrow... these are the things I ...
Before us, the guitar didn’t exist in Touareg music. We introduced the instrument because it was easy to carry across the desert. It’s also an instrument that is known all over the world, so by using it we were opening out to the rest of the world. In fact, all the traditional ...
On opening the Electronic Control Assembly (ECA) box we found that the electronic modules were of cordwood configuration using blank boards with welded strip wiring rather than the printed circuit boards expected. In addition, although schematics were provided, there was no board layout data ...
. I grew up listening to U2’s “Joshua Tree” album and it was an eye-opening experience to hear texture applied to music from the guitar instead of just riffs and flashy scales. It eventually became something ingrained in my style and something I craved when listening to new music....
The bluetooth speakers deliver high sound volume, being 4 to 5 times louder than the average volume of cell phone speakers, reaching up to 125db, and it allows you to customize the tone quality. Multiple Function Speakers You can use Blade to listen to music, podcasts, have separate phone ...
Ah, how times have changed. While modern releases have us pilfering cars from old ladies and launching them off bridges into helicopters full of kittens, back in the ‘80s games came complete with a sense of social responsibility. None more so than this arcade classic, which saw you assume...
Be warned, though: I got plenty of errors, which forced me to try numerous times before FINALLY obtaining the precious code. As far as Hibino's involvement in MGS4 is concerned, I wonder if the soundtrack will feature the piece of music he composed for the very first teaser of the ...
No. That quote is a mistranslation taken from who knows where, and should've been changed it a long time ago. People are welcome to suggest a new opening quote, though, as long as it manages to represent Sol's character. (I like this one myself, since it's a prime example of Sol...