Dodecamethylcyclotetrasilazane (I) was prepared for the first time according to scheme 1 [eqns. (2)–(5)] and confirmed in its structure by NMR and IR spectroscopy. It melts at 258-260° but transforms at 51-52° into plastic crystals. ...
An analysis of the infrared spectra, in the 1200–900 cm 1 region, of compounds of the type R 2 MCH 2CHR′CHR″O or R 2 MCH CHCR′R″O (R 2M = Me 2Si, Et 2Ge or n-Bu 2Sn; R′ = R″ = H or Me), allows us to distinguish between monomers, coordination dimers, true ...
The crystal and molecular structure of trichlorogermylcobalt tetracarbonyl. Cl3GeCo(CO)4, has been determined from three-dimensional X-ray data collected by counter methods. The structure has been resolved by vector-analysis and refined by least-squares techniques. It crystallizes in spacegroup Cc...
Dodecamethylcyclotetrasilazane (I) was prepared for the first time according to scheme 1 [eqns. (2)–(5)] and confirmed in its structure by NMR and IR spectroscopy. It melts at 258-260° but transforms at 51-52° into plastic crystals. Zusammenfassung Dodekamethylcyclotetrasilazan (I) wur...
The preparation of the compounds o-C 6H 4(C CMR 3) 2 (M = Si, Ge, Pb; R = CH 3; M = Pb; R = C 6H 5) is described. Their properties are compared with those of o-C 6H 4(C CSnR 3) 2 (R = CH 3, C 6H 5) and those of their p-isomers. The structures and bonding...
Synthesen mit verbindungen R3M Hg MR3 und (R2M Hg)n (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn): VII. Reduktive silylierung von Azoverbindungen und N-heterocyclen mittels bis(trimethylsilyl)quecksilberMe3SiHgSiMe3 (I) adds to the azo groups of azodiethyldicarboxylate, 2,2′-azodipyridine and azobenzene ...