DISCOVER TOP LOAD WASHING MACHINES THAT COMPLEMENT YOUR HOME Whether you want a large top loading washer with extra power for family laundry or a compact model that delivers excellent results, GE Appliances has a design that fits your home. From white to diamond gray to sapphire blue, we have...
(carbon), pig's blood, cocoa and aged red wine stains remaining after each cleaning cycle. Check out the washer graphic below to see how the GTW750CSLWS fared against other top-loaders (the lower the percentage, the better the washer did removing that particular stain). Basically, the G...
Shielding her eyes against reflection, she peered into the gloom, scanning for signs of life, hoping for an efficient counter assistant to relieve her of her bulky bundle; someone who was familiar with the machines and the vagaries of washing one’s dirty linen in public. Inside she could ma...
EASY-TO-USE FRONT LOADERS FOR ALL YOUR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Get more from your washer with stand-out features and forward-thinking technology from GE Appliances. Our front load washing machines are designed with built-in intelligence that takes the guesswork out of laundry. Take advantage of our Adapt...