GE Healthcare Dash 2500 Patient Monitor快速指南说明书
dashmanual说明书operatormonitorpatient Operator'sManual 2023896-026 RevisionA Dash®3000/4000/5000 PatientMonitor T-2 Dash®3000/4000/5000 2000966-338A 10May2005 NOTE Duetocontinuingproductinnovation,specificationsinthismanualaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.Theinformation inthismanualsupportssoftwareversions5.4...
Simple & intuitive user interface The B125 Monitor makes it easy to acquire, monitor and interpret patient data to support timely decision-making: •Seven pre-configured workflow settings •Choice of numerical or continuous waveform monitoring •Big numeric view capability •Capacitive touch...
Dash ® 3000/4000 Patient Monitor Service Manual 2000966-270 Revision B . T-2 Dash 3000/4000 Patient Monitor Revision B 2000966-270 03 February 2004 NOTE: The information in this manual only applies to Dash 3000/4000 patient monitor software Version 5 and later. Due to continuing product ...
TheCustomInstallationwillprompttheusertoselectbetweenaclientorastandalone configuration.TheCustomInstallationwillprompttheusertochangetheMARSHolter Analysisapplicationlocation,numberofpatientslots,andstartupinformation.TheCustom Installationoptionwillmaintaintheoriginalpatientdata,eveniftheuserchangestheMARS applicationsoftware...
Introducing the Portrait VSM monitor The next evolution of the DINAMAP™ vital signs legacy Learn more Introducing Portrait™ Mobile monitoring solution A wearable, wireless continuous solution that provides a real-time personalized view of the patient. ...
代表商品 GE医疗 病人监护仪Patient Monitor 重典ZONDAN 病人监护仪 推荐型号 GE医疗 病人监护仪 B40i 重典ZONDAN 病人监护仪 Apollo N2 品牌 GE医疗 重典ZONDAN 订货号 V527213 V520040 市场价 可询价 可询价 型号 B40i Apollo N2 预计送达 货期请咨询专属顾问 ...
The Dash 2500 monitor includes sophisticated clinical parameters to capture vital patient measurements and exceptional cardiac monitoring to help accurately detect arrhythmias.• GE EK-Pro™ arrhythmia program • GE DINAMAP® SuperSTAT™ non-invasive blood pressure • Masimo® SET® or ...
代表商品 GE医疗 病人监护仪Patient Monitor 德尔格 Drager 病人监护仪 推荐型号 GE医疗 病人监护仪 B40i 德尔格 Drager 病人监护仪 Vista 120 品牌 GE医疗 德尔格 Drager 订货号 V527213 V522330 市场价 可询价 可询价 型号 B40i Vista 120 预计送达 ...
GE Healthcare Senographe Pristina 用户手册说明书 GE Healthcare Women’s Healthcare Senographe Pristina GE imagination at work