EQUV. GE MODEL DA501EN ULTRASONIC Probe 5MHZ 12.5mm Model Frequency (Mhz Crystal Dia (mm) Connector type Range in steel(mm) Temperature range DA501EN 5 12.5 Lemo00 1.0-200 -20-60 Shipping terms: 1.Notice:When you make order, the China Post is standard express way. If you need urgent...
Model Number D01148MT1 Shape\pattern Geometric Style Bohemia Body Jewelry Type Belly Chains Material Metal Metals Type Iron alloy Description Report Item Specifications: Material: Iron Chain & Metal Fine or Fashion: Fashion Body Jewelry Type: Belly Chains Shape\pattern: Geometric Metals Type: Iron al...
从外观来看,GE11采用了封闭式前脸造型,整车设计线条流畅,内饰与外观同样采用极赋未来感的理念,采用跃层式梯进设计,应用悬浮式仪表台、中控屏以及中央通道,将科技与设计美学外媒融合,展现出未来纯电汽车应有的姿态。 不少网友问:对标特斯拉Model 3,谁给GE11的勇气内饰部分,GE11同样采用了极简设计理念,用简洁的线条营造...
吉利GE11采用了和特斯拉model3一样的前 挡+车顶+后挡全幅式玻璃天顶,一体化的造型可以为驾乘者提供良好的视觉体验,以及更通透的采光效果。细节方面,吉利GE11的轮毂采用五幅旋叶式设计,宽幅轮毂呈半封闭状,可在高速行驶过程中降低风阻。车侧的隐藏式门把手也保持着与整车一致的科技感,同时也带来更好的空气动力学效...
Here we propose two functions: one to prepare the genomic kernels accounting for the genomic GE and another to perform genomic prediction using a Bayesian linear mixed model. A specific treatment is given for sparse covariance matrices, in particular, to block diagonal matrices that are present in...
摘要: We propose an analytical model for the effects of Ge-doping on the longitudinal acoustic modulus and acoustic damping coefficient in silica optical fibers. The model is found to fit extremely well to experimental data. 关键词: 060.2280) Fiber design and fabrication 060.2270) Fiber characteriza...
Anatomy of a tag A tag can have many characteristics defined as separate attributes or properties. Creating a tag model enables you to derive data from common tags for data analysis. The following ...
从曝光的细节来看,吉利GE11也采用了这种隐藏式门把手,像极了特斯拉。但是开启方式不详,笔者更希望能像 Model S那样,完胜Model 3。 以上这些,是GE11可以媲美Model 3的地方。但是不足的地方也还是挺明显的。该车采用的是三元电池,容量为51.9千瓦时,综合续航里程410km;搭载了最大功率130千瓦,最大扭矩270牛米的永磁...
另外不知道同学们注意到没有,GE11在前保险杠左右两侧打造出双C风纹造型,此举非常有效的降低了行驶中的风阻系数。此外,吉利GE11还采用了和特斯拉model3一样全幅式玻璃天顶,这以后要是自驾游的时候,还不跟置身于瑞士的“金色列车”一样的体验~ 说完车头,咱再来看看GE11的尾部,相较于惊艳的前脸,车尾也并不逊色...