•Donotputthebatteryintoamicrowaveovenor pressurizedcontainer. •Ifthebatteryleaksoremitsanodor,removeitfromall possibleflammablesources. •Ifthebatteryemitsanodororheat,isdeformedor discolored,orinawayappearsabnormalduringuse, rechargingorstorage,immediatelyremoveitandstop usingit.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsaboutthe...
Back to the bulbs. There are two that are likely to burn out and need replacing. These are, the surface night light at the bottom which lights the stove below the microwave and the harder-to-change, internal oven light which has been amply described here below. The oven lamp that works ...
Fatigue endurance Fatigue is an important design consideration for parts subjected to cyclical loading or vibration. In such applications, an uniaxial fatigue diagram (see s FIGURE 4-10) could be used to predict product life. These curves can be used to determine the fatigue endurance limit, or...