Solutions Products OEM Services Support About GCX English ContactHome Solutions Medical Devices GE Healthcare GE HealthcareCreate Catalog Choose your GE Healthcare device to view GCX solutions.B40 B40 CARESCAPE™ Central Station CARESCAPE™ Monitor Canvas™ B850 B650 B450 CARESCAPE ...
products and services are subject to change without notice, and GEHC reserves the right to make changes without notice to processing, materials, or configuration. GEHC does not guarantee that products or services listed in its online catalog will be available at the time of your order. All ...
Novation adding GE Medical products to Marketplace@Novation buying site.Reports the addition of contracted products from General Electric Medical Systems to the electronic catalog of Novation company.EBSCO_bspHospital Materials Management
Catalogormodelnumber.RatingPlate SerialnumberRatingPlate DirectCurrent. ForproductstobepoweredfromaDCRatingPlate supply. TypeCFDefib-ProofAppliedPart(heart intheboxwithpaddle)symbolisinECGModule accordancewithIEC60878-02-06. Chapter1Introduction1-7 GEHEALTHCARE DIRECTION5308917-100,REVISION6LOGIQP3SERVICEMANUAL ...
Accessory Products: SepMate™-50 (Catalog #15450/15460) Contains: ? Sodium Diatrizoate (9.1% w/v) ? Polysaccharide (5.7% w/v) ? Density of 1.077 g/mL Equipment Required: Centrifuge Cell Isolation Product Type:Reagents Cell Source:Bone marrow, Cord blood, Whole blood ...
CatalogormodelnumberBottom SerialnumberBottom DirectCurrent:ForproductstoBottom bepoweredfromaDCsupply LOGIQe–BasicServiceManual1-11 5561650-100EnglishRev.3 Introduction Table1-6:ProductIcons(Continued) Label/IconPurpose/MeaningLocation InputBottom ForusewithadapterGEpartBottom number5460229-x DescriptionBottom...
equipments, cars, buses, furnitures, boats , medical equipment, beauty chairs, aviation, many machines , agriculture machine equipment and so on. HAX has strict quality control system, and full sets of advanced equipment. We have flexible mode of operation, stable...
Products Catalog Why Choose Us Yingjiao Electrical Co., Ltd., established in 1995, is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Switching and Linear Power Adapters, Transformers, Chargers, Car Chargers and Power Cords. We can also design and manufacture power sup...
Full Catalog Videos & Pictures Medical Optran® Ultra WFGE Ge-Doped fused Silica/F-doped fused silica with different Buffers and Jacket NA 0,37 Click here to view the data sheet in PDF format: >> Optran® Ultra WFGEAs the innovative leader of the fiber optic industry, CeramOptec® ...
1/2Pages Catalog excerpts EMR Gateway Pro for MAC 2000 Simple, flexible ECG-to-EMR connectivity The EMR Gateway Pro solution seamlessly connects the MAC™ 2000 to your existing electronic medical records system, immediately making it easier to acquire, transmit, store, and access ECG data. •...