LM2500XPRESS +G4 DLELM2500XPRESS +G5 DLELM2500 DLELM2500 +G4 SAC Net output (MW)33.936.322.234.4 Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)8861888499209819 Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)934893731046610359 Net efficiency (%, LHV)38.5%38.4%34.4%34.8% ...
The LM2500* family of aeroderivative gas turbines, including the LM2500XPRESS*, boasts over 120 million operating hours, several times the operating experience of its competitors combined, and unsurpassed flexibility and reliability—helping to develop a better energy ...
The LM2500 is the most reliable aeroderivative gas turbine in the world, featuring reliability consistently above 99.8%. Great for helping to meet needs where flexible power is required quickly and efficiently, the LM2500XPRESS 50 Hz and 60 Hz power plants feature a 34 MW simple cycle power ...
此外,GE LM2500系列燃气轮机还具备高度的灵活性和可靠性,能够在各种环境下稳定运行,为舰船和工业生产提供了可靠的动力支持。例如,GE新型LM2500XPRESS航改燃机获得了认可,能够为发电企业更好地应对气候变化,共建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系提...
此外,GE LM2500系列燃气轮机还具备高度的灵活性和可靠性,能够在各种环境下稳定运行,为舰船和工业生产提供了可靠的动力支持。例如,GE新型LM2500XPRESS航改燃机获得了认可,能够为发电企业更好地应对气候变化,共建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系提供助力3...
GE和科罗拉多斯普林斯公司宣布,为位于科罗拉多州斯普林斯的Martin Drake电厂供电的6台GE LM2500XPRES航空衍生燃气轮机成功安装了催化氧化还原(COR)排放控制技术。排放控制技术有望有效减少高达50%的一氧化碳排放。2021年,科罗拉多斯普林斯公司购买了6台GE LM2500XPRESS机组,以支持增加可再生太阳能和风能的使用,帮助更好...
The LM2500 family of aeroderivative gas turbines boasts several times the operating experience of its competitors combined, and its flexibility and reliability are unsurpassed. LM2500XPRESS +G4 DLELM2500XPRESS +G5 DLELM2500 +G4 DLELM2500 +G4 SAC Net output (MW) Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, ...
The LM6000VELOX aeroderivative solution aims to reduce the installation and commissioning schedule of LM6000 turbines by up to 40%, saving up to 4,000 labor hours. Learn more LM2500XPRESS* gas turbine With up to 95% assembly in the factory, this aeroderivative powerhouse was created for spee...
GE LMS2500航改型燃气轮机是一款源自GE公司CF6系列商用飞机发动机和TF39军用发动机技术的燃气轮机。它以其高 问 LMS2500的功率范围是多少 答 LM2500+G4型号在ISO条件下的输出功率可达34.3MW,而在联合循环工况下,单台LM2500XPRESS的输出功 问 LMS2500的启动时间有多快 答 LMS2500燃气轮机具备快速启动的能力...