With the world’s largest installed base of gas turbines, we offer advanced technology and a level of experience that is unmatched in the industry to build, operate, and maintain leading gas power plants.
With the world’s largest installed base of gas turbines, we offer advanced technology and a level of experience that is unmatched in the industry to build, operate, and maintain leading gas power plants.
GE Vernova's Gas Power team is ready to be your partner in leveraging the role of natural gas for powering the world today and tomorrow. Learn more about Gas Power.
Smaller power producers can draw huge value from GE Vernova’s easy-installation, fast-response aeroderivative and heavy-duty gas turbines. See how our municipal energy solutions can help you today. Learn more Utilities & independent power producers ...
GE Vernova's Gas Power team is ready to be your partner in leveraging the role of natural gas for powering the world today and tomorrow. Learn more about Gas Power.
卢卡POWER减少排放可持续包装DS减少污染物排放SMITH英国造纸及可持续包装公司DS Smith与天然气动力技术的世界领导者GE Gas Power宣布,双方在意大利卢卡造纸厂的成功合作关系得到延续.新的空气净化燃气轮机是GE干式低排放技术的最新配置,将安装于DS Smith卢卡纸厂内,可提供更高的输出和更高的效率,最终使造纸厂减少排放....
“When it comes to project logistics, every shipment is unique. Given its extraordinary nature, this shipment was a high priority shipment for GE Gas Power – and for us at DSV. The successful transport was a result of the collective efforts of our teams in DSV Korea, DSV Japan ...
All GE Power products Gas Turbines gas turbine 9HA series for power generationcombined-cyclemulti-stage gas turbine 7HA series for power generationcombined-cyclemulti-stage gas turbine 9F.04 for power generationcombined-cyclemulti-stage gas turbine ...
格林维尔工厂及其能力令人印象深刻,展示了 GE Gas Power 如何致力于推进燃气轮机技术以及维护和修理流程。 图3:在 GE 的 RDC,Erick Baker 解释了他的团队如何改进制造和维修流程,然后将解决方案推广到全球服务中心 “我们希望确保我们的服务中心能够拥有最具竞争力的成本和最具竞争力的周期,”RDC 工程经理 Erick Bak...
GE燃气动力公司(GE Gas Power,NYSE:GE)和壳牌全球解决方案公司(Shell Global Solutions)宣布签署了一项开发协议,以寻求旨在降低壳牌全球液化天然气(LNG)供应项目碳强度的潜在途径。壳牌全球解决方案公司是液化天然气(LNG)的先驱,已有50多年的历史。 预计到2040年,全球液化天然气需求将几乎翻一番,脱碳对于帮助该公司...