在冠状面定位像上定位,平行于左右内听道结构。薄层扫描,0.8毫米层厚,一般32层足够。在高分辨的情况下,尽可能使用FIESTA序列TR时间最短。FIESTA对磁场均匀性要求高,需要添加局部匀场。上下饱和带消除血管搏动伪影。TE=Min Full时SNR比较高。Fiesta-c序列要求NEX为偶数。 FIESTA序列对实质性占位病变不敏感。原始图像要...
]GE MRI Post By:2009-3-16 22:19:02 Pulse Sequence Spin Echo Gradient Echo Spoiled Gradient Echo Steady State Free Process Ultra Fast Gradient Echo 3D Ultra Fast Inversion Recovery Short tau IR RARE Sequence Rapid Acquisition Relaxation Enhancement Gradient and Spin echo Parallel Imaging Flow Veloc...
要丢弃的层用户CV仅适用于3D FIESTA-C和3D快速自旋回波序列。这些PSD经常发生的混叠可使用用户CV消除,因为它会丢弃厚片任一侧的多个层。输入一个偶数值。该值会在两侧之间分割。例如,如果输入 4,则会使厚片一端有 2 个层被删除。要 丢弃的层数通常是层容积的 25%。进行单厚片采集时请输入 。TE 步骤数量 ...
Fiesta 2D Fiesta 3D Delayed Enhance Asset, 3D FRFSE Asset Plus Tricks Fiesta-c Breast2 Propeller DWI 3D FS Fiesta Propeller T2 2D FS Fiesta MR-Echo 8 Ch System Lava Multi-Phase BF and VM Time course 2D Merge Lava-XV Bravo Cosmic HDx key 3D Dual Echo ARC, Inhance 2D Inflow Inhance 3D...
3D FIESTA and 3D FIESTA-C are 3D sequences with high fluid sensitivity that enable high resolution of small intracranial structures and joints. ASSET is an acceleration technique that uses the geometry of multi-element coils to speed image data collection. As a result, the user may choose to...
PERMANENT OPTIONS: Propeller DWI, 3D Fat Sat Fiesta, Propeller T2, Fiesta -c, Asset Plus, Asset, 3D FRFSE, Fiesta 2D and 3D, Flouro Trig MRA, ACGD Plus, MRCP3, SSFSE MRCP, Dynamic R1, T1 & T2 Breathhold, Ultrashort TR, PPS, Clariview, IVI, Voxtool, Functool 2, FLAIR EPI, DW...
These sequences include: Inhance Inflow IR is a non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography technique that has been developed to image arteries with ability to suppress static background tissue and venous flow. This sequence is based on 3D FIESTA, which improves SNR, as well as produce bright blood ...
要丢弃的层用户CV仅适用于3D FIESTA-C和3D快速自旋回波序列。这些PSD经常发生的混叠可使用用户CV消除,因为它会丢弃厚片任一侧的多个层。输入一个偶数值。该值会在两侧之间分割。 例如,如果输入 4,则会使厚片一端有 2 个层被删除。要 丢弃的层数通常是层容积的 25%。
Wang TJC,Brisman R,Lu ZF, et al.Image registration strategy of T1-weighted and FIESTA MRI sequences in trigeminal neuralgia gamma kniferadiosurgery. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery . 2010Wang TJC,Brisman R,Lu ZF, et al.Image registration strategy of T1-weighted and FIESTA MRI sequences...
内容提示: ]GE MRI Post By:2009-3-16 22:19:02 Pulse Sequence Spin Echo Gradient Echo Spoiled Gradient Echo Steady State Free Process Ultra Fast Gradient Echo 3D Ultra Fast Inversion Recovery Short tau IR RARE Sequence Rapid Acquisition Relaxation Enhancement Gradient and Spin echo Parallel Imaging...