General Electric 400 amp Panelboard 3PH 4W 120/208V MLO General Electric A Series Panelboard AF49SN w/ Breakers GE General Electric AC410EBG Breaker Bus Plug General Electric (643X92) JVM-3 5KV 4200V 35:1 Potential Transformer, New Surplu GE General Electric 8000 Size 1 30A Break...
2-2-5ElectricalRequirements NOTE:GEMedicalSystemsrequiresadedicatedpowerandGroundfortheproperoperationofits Ultrasoundequipment.Thisdedicatedpowershalloriginateatthelastdistributionpanelbefore thesystem. SiteswithamainspowersystemwithdefinedNeutralandLive: Thededicatedlineshallconsistofonephase,aneutral(notsharedwithany...
高性能的CPU是基于Intel的386EX处理器以得到快速计算和大量吞吐。它们最多能控制4096个I/O,高性能CPU最小用户内存为32K,能用多种标准语言进行编程。 新型CPU374有一个运行在133Mhz主频的AMDSC520处理器。除了能高速处理以外,系列90-30CPU374还提供带内置交换机的两个10/100M以太网端口(RJ-45)。CPU374两个内置...
GE断路器设置说明.pdf,DEH–178 g MicroVersaTrip Plus™ and MicroVersaTrip PM™ Trip Units for WavePro™ Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers User’s Guide MicroVersaTrip Plus™ and MicroVersaTrip PM™ Trip Units Getting Started Since this Trip Uni
General Electric 400 amp Panelboard 3PH 4W 120/208V MLO General Electric A Series Panelboard AF49SN w/ Breakers GE General Electric AC410EBG Breaker Bus Plug General Electric (643X92) JVM-3 5KV 4200V 35:1 Potential Transformer, New Surplu GE General Electric 8000 Size 1 30A Break...
Switch type: May include protective devices such as molded case circuit breakers or fused switches. 1769-IF16C 面价16963 1 1769-OF8C 面价21874 1 22A-D1P4N104 面价5322 3个 22A-D2P3N104 面价6165 1个 ACS800-04-0050-7+C135+J400+P901 1台 ...
(3) Eaton GHB2020 Industrial Circuit Breakers 20A 277/480VAC 2 Pole MP2B-330 EATON FIXED INDUCTOR 33uH 1.7A 0.09ohms QTY: 550 REEL Motorschütz EATON Moeller DILM32-10(230) 15KW, 277260; 3H+1S, Schütz;Hilfsschütz Motorschütz EATON Moeller DILM32-01(230) 15KW, 277292; 3H+1?, Schü...
Miniature circuit breakers, or MCBs shortly, protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. The Series EP MCBs are covering a complete range of short circuit breaking capacities and tripping characteristics. MCBs within the Series EP can be used with add-on devices...
GE Industrial Solutions ME07 低压电路保护器重新填充与重新装置说明书 Retrofill / Retrofit ME07 Breaker with EntelliGuard* R Breakers GE Industrial Solutions
Hoffman CP1612 Concept Panel **SEALED** Mitsubishi MELSEC A62P Power Unit **XLNT** GE Fanuc IC600BF910K Isolated 115VAC Output **XLNT** GE Fanuc High Speed Counter IC693APU300J IC693APU300 Siemens 3RT1024-1B G/011018 Contactor 24 Volt Coil **XL... ...