【SCP】喷气式引擎..最近迷上了做仿真引擎 停不下来啊啊啊一楼放上蓝链:https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/1kl0gu/GE-CF6-80C2B5FEngine-for-Boeing-744·可旋转或停转的进气扇·高推力,告别跑道过短恐惧症·移动设备友好 零件数9
Reports that Soviet aviation authorities have certificated the General Electric CF6-80C2 engine, making it the first modern non-Soviet powerplant to gain civil approval in the USSR. The Soviets placed firm orders for 10 CF6s with options for an additional 10 plus spares....
8,224 Btu/kWs-hr 8,675 kJ/kWs-hr 6,168 Btu/shp-hr 8,279 Btu/kWs-hr 8,773 kJ/kWs-hr Exhaust gas flow 286 lb/sec 130 kg/sec 306 lb/sec 139 kg/sec Exhaust gas temperature 853°F (456°C) 921°F (494°C) Power turbine speed ...
GE海洋燃气涡轮机说明书(型号42 MW和52 MW)The 42 MW and 52 MW marine gas turbines offer simple-cycle, two-shaft performance derived from GE’s CF6-80C2 high-bypass turbofan aircraft engine. Taking advantage of the CF6-80C2 low-pressure system’s normal operating speed of 3600 rpm, the ...
·Thomas Cook Group航空公司与GE航空集团签署了为期五年的TrueChoice产权转移协议,为其8架波音767飞机使用的CF6-80C2发动机提供工时和材料修理及大修服务。 ·LATAM航空公司与CFM国际公司确认签署了长期服务协议,为其CFM56-5B机队中35台发动机提供运营及维护服务。
GE's CF6-50 engine began operating on Indian Airline's Airbus A300 fleet almost 30 years ago, and this was followed by orders from Air Indian for CF6-80C2 engines to power its A310 aircraft. More recently, Air India ordered more than 100 GE and CFM*-powered aircraft in 2006. Other ...
The article announces that LAN Airlines SA has selected CF6-80C2 engines to power its order for 14 Boeing 767 aircraft. It mentions that the engine order is worth 400 million dollars at list prices. Further it mentions that the engine has integrated the Tech CF6 programme, which has an airf...
class for the last 10 years.Expa nding global heritageBased on the CF6-80C2?hours with over 1,000 51、 units shipped to customers globalloverof operati ng expertise and experie nee unique to GE.Imagination at worktech no logy developme nts like 15 ppm Dry Low NOxenhan eeme nt, fiber ...
Internal engine sounds. Wind sounds. Cockpit environment sounds. Custom distance sounds. Custom dynamic sounds. And much more. All recorded in HD and compiled to meet Microsoft Flightsimulator X / P3D specifications. The GE-CF6-80C For the CF6-80C2-A1, ...
The CF6-80C2 engine, which entered service in 1985, has set new standards of reliability in commercial service and has been instrumental in the rise of GE as a leading supplier of large commercial engines. Perhaps the greatest compliment afforded the CF6-80C2 was the U.S. government's selec...