大部分的T细胞上的TCR都是alpha或者β,TCR GD是用来标记γδ T细胞的。这类细胞数量很少,主要见于肠道的淋巴组织
必应词典为您提供TCRGD的释义,网络释义: 相控电抗器;抗原受体;
Human Vd1 þ T cells have therefore evolved a distinct biology from the Vd2 þ subset, involving a central, personalized role for the gd TCR in directing a highly adaptive yet unconventional form of immune surveillance. 1 Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Centre, Institute for Immunology and...
鸡TCRgd 来源宿主 小鼠 反应性 该一抗与鸡TCRgd有特异性反应。 保存建议 艾美捷向您提供的SouthernBiotech品牌生物素标记小鼠抗鸡TCRgd抗体产品为二抗为液体形式,我们将以您将其置于2-8℃保存,产品有效期见包装。 其他 SouthernBiotech(SBA)公司建于1982年,致力于为全球免疫研究的科学家提供各种亲和纯化的多克隆和...
T-ALL患者外周血TCRGD细胞的分布和增殖特点.pdf,( ) ( ) ISSN 1007 - 8738细胞与分子免疫学杂志 Ch in J Cell Mo l Imm unol 2008, 24 12 1207 ·论著 · 文章编号 : 1007 - 8738 (2008) 12 - 1207 - 03 γδ TALL 患者外周血 TCR / T细胞的分布和增殖特点 1 1, 2 1 1 1 1
品牌/型号:光达电气/相控电抗器TCRGD 产品名称:相控电抗器(TCR)额定电压:6kV、10V、27.5kV、35kV;产品介绍:装置为并联电抗器和可控硅阀组串联而成,电抗器输出的等值导纳由阀组的导通角控制,阀组的导通角由高性能的控制器控制;通过改变控制角实现电抗器感性无功的无级调节。产品特点:装置由SIMATIC-TDC/SIMADYN-...
小鼠TCRgd 来源宿主 仓鼠 反应性 该一抗与小鼠TCRgd有特异性反应。 保存建议 艾美捷向您提供的SouthernBiotech品牌仓鼠抗小鼠TCRgd抗体产品为二抗为液体形式,我们将以您将其置于2-8℃保存,产品有效期见包装。 其他 SouthernBiotech(SBA)公司建于1982年,致力于为全球免疫研究的科学家提供各种亲和纯化的多克隆和单克隆...
The influence of Gd doping at La site on the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of La(subscript 0.7-x) Gd(subscript x) Sr0.3 MnO3(x=0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50) system has been studied. The experimental results show that Gd do ping causes the resistivity curves to change sharply ...
when the TCRγδ+cells migrate into the spleen and intestine most of them begin to express CD8. Although the biological function of γδ T cells is unclear, they are clearly capable of cytotoxic activityin vitro. The CD8+γδ T cells may also be involved in down-regulation of the immune...
Decrease in CD3-negative-CD8dim(+) and Vdelta2/Vgamma9 TcR+ peripheral blood lymphocyte counts, low perforin expression and the impairment of natural kille... Three-colour flow cytometry was used to measure the percentage of CD3(+/-)CD8+, CD3+CD4+, gammadeltaTcR+, Vdelta2 TcR+, V...