这就意味着更具体的道具应当具有它的所有字段(以它为基础)。因此我们将它作为基类(base class),也称为父类(parent class)。装备属于道具的一种,因此它应当继承(inherit)道具类,也可以从另一个方向来说,它由道具类派生而来(derive from)。 在定义类时,类名后可以用extends关键字指明该类的基类: 现在我们用pass...
# A file is a class!# 文件即类!# (optional 可选) icon to show in the editor dialogs 设置脚本在编辑器中的图标:@icon("res://path/to/optional/icon.svg")# (optional 可选) class definition 类型属性定义:class_nameMyClass# Inheritance 继承:extendsBaseClass# Member variables 类成员vara=5vars...
use '.'(like 'super' in other languages).覆盖方法变动funcsomething(p1,p2):.something(p1,p2)# Inner ClassclassSomething:vara=10# Constructor构造函数func_init():print("Constructed!")varlv=Something.new()print(lv.
functions with the same name on the base/parent class.# If you still want to call them, use '.' (like 'super' in other languages).func something(p1,p2):.something(p1,p2)# Inner ClassclassSomething:var a=10# Constructorfunc _init():print("Constructed!")var lv=Something.new()print(...
a dot (.) to call its' parent (super class function), we now have thesuperkeyword. Used on its own, it calls the function that it is extending i.e. the constructor of the class that it is extending. Or, we may access a method on the parent class by referencing the function name...
GDScriptParser::DataType make_global_class_meta_type(const StringName &p_class_name, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_source); bool get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::Node *p_source, bool p_is_constructor, GDScriptParser::DataType base_type, const StringName &p_function, GDScriptParser::DataTy...
Class, Variant const&, 0ul>(__UnexistingClass*, void (__UnexistingClass::*)(Variant const&), Variant const**, Callable::CallError&, IndexSequence<0ul>) (??:0) [11] void call_with_variant_args_dv<__UnexistingClass, Variant const&>(__UnexistingClass*, void (__UnexistingClass::*)(...
Coverage class: Coverage.new(scene_tree: SceneTree, exclude_paths := []) Initialize the coverage singleton. Until Coverage.instance().finalize() has been called you may access the singleton with Coverage.instance() exclude_paths is a list of resource paths to be skipped when instrumenting fi...