Regards, $dateFormat="yyyyMMdd"# Define the folder path to save the downloaded file$folderPath="C:\Downloads"# Define the file name with current date$fileName="ExcelFile_$(Get-Date-Format$dateFormat).xlsx"# Set up Google Drive API credentials$clientId="YOUR_CLIENT_ID"$clientSecret="YOUR_...
Actually most Googlers use Windows for their computers, only few use Mac or Linux. Philipp Lenssen 18 years ago # A Google employee once said “[T]he vast majority of computers at Google are Linux boxes. They give us a laptop also, and we get to choose between a Mac Powerbook and...
so can anyone please recommend a good 3rd party tool, so i can move the files directly from Gdrive to onedrive, i have used BitTitan before the are a bit high since they provide lots of additional features Worth pointing out the SharePoint Migration Tool supports using...
Regards, $dateFormat="yyyyMMdd"# Define the folder path to save the downloaded file$folderPath="C:\Downloads"# Define the file name with current date$fileName="ExcelFile_$(Get-Date-Format$dateFormat).xlsx"# Set up Google Drive API credentials$clientId="YOUR_CLIENT_ID"$clientSecret="YOUR_...
Might be worth looking into anyway. Also, this may be of interest -Make the switch to OneDrive for improved productivity and cost savings. thanks guys got what i was looking for ...