General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) (Department of Naturalisation and Residence Dubai, DNRD)The Department of Naturalisation and Residency Dubai (DNRD) processes entry permits, visit visas, residence visas, etc for entering and living in the UAE if you come in through ...
The GDRFA Dubai approval in required for foreigners who wish to return to Dubai. Amid the pandemic, the return of expatriates was restricted from almost all countries. Under the new regulations, expatriates can go to Dubai only if they have obtained return permit or approval from GDRFA Dubai. ...
他们可以选择离开阿联酋或寻找工作以维持其合法身份。 迪拜中华网网址 ▶【视频】首发!阿联酋银行联名卡即将上市 ▶【视频】迪拜中哥带大家走进迪拜!看看这15年来走过的路! ▶长期收购急售的迪拜现房和期房项目!长期有效! ▶迪拜房产买卖投资一条路,“我知用户心,更懂用户愿” ▶迪拜商...
返回迪拜的居民必须获得GDRFA批准周四,印度航空在推特上发推文说:“迪拜当局已撤销允许未经ICA或迪拜移民局(GDRFA)批准即可返回的决定,迪拜居留签持有人必须获得GDRFA的批准才能返回。”该航空公司表示,前往迪拜的乘客必须下载Dubai Smart App,飞往阿布扎比和沙迦的乘客必须下载Al Hosn应用程序。Flydubai向旅客发出了类似的通...
Ü 简介: 迪拜人站长( / 半资深迪拜通/ 迪拜旅游/ 私信不回,有问题见我的置顶微博 更多a 微关系 他的关注(570) 真百分百土豆 吕严严肃的严 何广智- 徐志胜1995 他的粉丝(2.2万) 精武健身英雄兵 了不起的某某宸 余生就为讨回公道 用户5537025643 查看更多 a 微博...
Smart services of General Directorate of Residency & Foreigners Affairs Dubai This application provides you access to the most frequently required services of D…
Fly Dubai已向其合作伙伴发出了类似的通知,表示原先的决定已被撤销。 迪拜机场运营控制中心也向航空公司发出了通知,称返回的居民需要获得事先批准。 “请注意,未经ICA / GDRFA批准即可返回的决定已被撤销。所有飞回迪拜的迪拜居留签证持有人必须获得GDRA(居住和外国人事务总局)的批准。” ...
Smart services of General Directorate of Residency & Foreigners Affairs Dubai This application provides you access to the most frequently required services of D…|基于1 个网页 2. 外务总理事会 迪拜住房及外务总理事会(GDRFA)理事长Mohammad Ahmad Al Merri上将称,Hatta边境线在促进迪拜及阿曼之间的互市贸 …|基于1 个网页 3. 迪拜移民局 本报讯 在8月30日的黎明突击检查中,迪拜移民局(GDRFA)在Khawaneej逮捕39名非法移民。GDRFA...
Since Dubai officiallyreopened its borders in July last year, residents of the emirate have been required to apply for approval to re-enter the country via the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA). However, Emirates Airline has confirmed to its passengers this is no lon...