如果提供的人数不满1万人,则需要完成个人信息出境标准合同备案或通过个人信息保护认证。相比之下,GDPR(通用数据保护条例)并未明确提出“敏感个人信息”的概念,而是将某些特定类型的数据定义为“特殊类别个人信息”(special categories of personal data)。这些数据包括显示种族或民族背景、政治观念、宗教或哲学信仰、工会成...
其中,设立专门的数据保护官(DPO,Data Protection Officer。中国法律中的对应概念是个人信息保护负责人),是组织措施的核心构件。前述这一论断,无论是欧盟的GDPR(通用《数据保护条例》),还是中国的《个人信息保护法》(PIPL),都一样适用。但是,GDPR与PIPL对强制设立DPO的条件有一些差别。GDPR第37(1)条,...
processing includes special categories of data as referred to in Article 9(1) or personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10.参考译文:处理包括第 9(1) 条中提到的特殊类别数据或第 10 条中提到的与刑事定罪和犯罪有关的个人数据。 Such requirements may be mo...
Special Categories of Data: None. Nature and Purpose of Processing: All processing operations required to facilitate provision of Services to the Customer in accordance with the Agreement. Frequency of Transfer (per Section 12 of this DPA): Continuously throughout the term of the Agreement. ...
维度一:special categories of personal data〔特殊类别的个人资料〕 依其性质对根本权利和自由特别敏感的个人数据, 因其处理过程可能对于根本权力和自由造成显着 风险,故值得受到保护. 处 维理度个二人:数pe据rs,on能al够d揭at露a的出识其别种度族、民族、政治 观 已点识、别宗的教数和据哲:学与信已仰识...
(c) the core activities of the controller or the processor consist of processing on a large scale of special categories of data pursuant to Article 9 or personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10. ...
GDPR培训课件 GDPR概览 个人数据 正当事由 变更目的 Risk 处罚认定 保护义务 第一页,共21页。主体权力 个人数据 维度一:specialcategoriesofpersonaldata(特殊类别的个人资料)依其性质对基本权利和自由特别敏感的个人数据,因其处理过程可能对于基本权力和自由造成显着风险,故值得受到保护。处理个人数据,能够揭露出其...
Special categories of personal data GDPR considers some types of data especially sensitive. These special categories include information on a person's race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, political opinions and biometric data, among other things. ...
Activities that are large-scale processing of special categories of data listed under Articles 9 and 10 of the GDPR Core activities that require it to monitor data subjects systematically and regularly on a large scale Public authority other than a court acting in a judicial capacity ...