鉴于其自2018年5月25日在欧盟全境生效后,GDPR对美国加州、巴西、日本、印度等地的数据立法均提供了灵感,本文也将参照印度《个人数据保护法案》2019年版 (The Personal Data Protection Bill,2019,以下称为“PDPB” ) 的相关内容。需要特别声明的是,本文仅代表笔者的个人看法,不构成法律意见。 众所周知,个保法共...
印度PDPB则列明了何为“敏感个人数据”(sensitive personal data),后者包括了至少11种可被归类的敏感数据。除了广为论及的健康、生物识别、基因数据、宗教或政治信仰等类型的数据之外,金融数据、种姓或部落、变性人身份、双性人身份等数据在PDPB中亦被列出。个人的官方识别符(official identifier) 也归为此类,因此国...
笔者试就此加以对照分析。 鉴于其自2018年5月25日在欧盟全境适用后,GDPR对美国加州、巴西、日本、印度等地的数据立法均提供了灵感,本文也将参照印度《个人数据保护法案》2019年版 (The Personal Data Protection Bill,2019,以下称为“PDPB” ) 的相关内容。需要特别声明的是,本文仅代表笔者的个人看法,不构成法律...
个人数据(personal data)在新的条例中有了更为广泛的定义,例如,包括IP地址数据。新条例还定义了哪类数据为敏感个人数据(sensitive personal data),例如,基因数据、生物数据、犯罪记录。这类数据受到更严格的条例保护。 不同于任何数据保护法规,新条例引入了一类新的数据类型——假名数据(Pseudonimised data)。该类数...
Process aconsiderable amountof data that could significantly affect a lot of users Process a high volume ofsensitive personal data Utilize the latesttechnologiesto process data, or Process data in order toprofile people Designate a Data Protection Officer ...
个人数据(personal data)在新的条例中有了更为广泛的定义,例如,包括IP地址数据。新条例还定义了哪类数据为敏感个人数据(sensitive personal data),例如,基因数据、生物数据、犯罪记录。这类数据受到更严格的条例保护。 不同于任何数据保护法规,新条例引入了一类新的数据类型——假名数据(Pseudonimiseddata)。该类数据...
We encourage you not to provide sensitive personal data to us unless it is strictly necessary for the processing of your inquiry. In this context, the information should only be sent in a highly encrypted form if you send the information by e-mail.Purpose of the processingYour personal data ...
2. Does Sojern store “sensitive personal data” as defined within GDPR? No. Under GDPR, sensitive personal data is defined as data relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, and/or...
Q9:Can customers upload special category or sensitive personal data to Cision? Customer will notify Cision if they intend to upload any special categories of data as part of using Cision services. Cision may refuse to process such data or impose any restrictions as are necessary, at the Customer...
Q9: Can customers upload special category or sensitive personal data to Cision? Customer will notify Cision if they intend to upload any special categories of data as part of using Cision services. Cision may refuse to process such data or impose any restrictions as are necessary, at the Custom...