The GDPR requires controllers to prepare a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for operations that are 'likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.' There's nothing inherent in Microsoft products and services that need the creation of a DPIA. However, ...
准确的说,是的。DPIA这是GDPR设计和默认情况下数据保护的关键要素,同时也反映了GDPR基于风险的个人数据保护法。 数据保护影响评估简称DPIA: Data Protection Impact Assessment 和隐私影响评估PIA:Privacy Impact Assessment在GDPR第35条引入,是指在开始预期的数据处理之前,数据控制者有义务进行影响评估并记录下来。这是GDP...
数据保护影响评估简称DPIA: Data Protection Impact Assessment 和隐私影响评估PIA:Privacy Impact Assessment在GDPR第35条引入,是指在开始预期的数据处理之前,数据控制者有义务进行影响评估并记录下来。这是GDPR问责制新关注的一部分,并且能够证明企业遵守GDPR。 那么具体什么是数据影响评估?为什么要进行GDPR数据保护影响评估...
GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation,通用数据保护条例)取代了欧盟在1995年推出的欧盟《数据保护指令》(Data Protection Directive),本法案在2016年4月27日获得欧盟议会与欧盟理事会的通过,经过两年的缓冲期后,在2018年5月25日强制执行。 GDPR的全面实施,意味着欧盟对于个人信息的保护及监管达到了前所未有的高度,GD...
^WP29-Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) anddetermining whether processing is “likely to result in a high risk” for thepurpose of Regulation 2016/679 (WP248 rev.01), Page 9-11. ^ICO官网指南中的模板
No GDPR overview is complete without the DPIA. However, when it comes to the data protection impact assessment, the good news is that it is not strictly required in most cases. This is what the English ICO has to say about it: “Although publishing a DPI
Article 35 of the GDPR requires a data controller to create a Data Protection Impact Assessment '[w]here a type of processing in particular using new technologies, and taking into account the nature, scope, context, and purposes of the processing, is likely to result in a high risk to the...
This workshop introduced participants to the process of Data Protection Impact Assessment. This new tool of the GDPR is highly relevant for any processing of personal data, as it helps to structure the process, be aware of data protection issues and the relevant legislation and implement proper ...
在企业合规服务中,笔者团队采取的措施包括(1)为企业定制数据保护风险评估(Data protection impact assessment, DPIAs/PIAs)方案,该方案可以用于评估新系统或新的业务流程存在的数据泄露风险;(2)技术支持,包含建立数据清单、选取合适的数据保护和脱敏方法以及数据安全保护方法等等;(3)建立企业内部流程规定和数据内外分享合...