But it was not until the 1996 Olympics that blacks in Atlanta finally got their real opportunity. Now go to the Back Bay of Boston’s Amtrak station which has one placard after another of how blacks found opportunities even that there are still parts of Boston that are racist. Life is ...
The nowcast then plunged. On March 17, I wrote,Economy Finally Reaches “Escape Velocity,” Heads South. It featured the GDPNow model whose forecast had dropped to 0.3%, while the “Blue Chip” consensus (dated March 5 in the Atlanta Fed chart at the time) was still 2.4%. By...
亚特兰大联储(Atlanta Fed)的GDPNow模型最新预计,美国第一季度GDP增速将高达10%,高于2月26日时预计的8.8%。 美东时间周一(3月1日),亚特兰大联储GDPNow模型最新预计,美国一季度实际GDP增长(经季节调整的年增长率)为10.0%,高于2月26日预计的8.8%。 来百度APP畅享高清图片 数据反映美国经济有所好转 周一公布的数据...