世界银行(World bank)和 国际货币基金组织 (International Monetary Fund) 提供的数据则显示美国的实际...
SourceWorld Bank :Nominal (current),Nominal (constant),PPP (current),PPP (constant) International Monetary Fund Date14 Dec 2024 The gross world product (GWP) is the combined gross national product of all the countries in the world, which equals the total global GDP. ...
If data is not available for any economy or year in the world bank, data from the IMF has been listed.Nominal PPP Choropleth Map Bubble Map +-World GDP (Nominal) Ranking 2022Rank (1-10)Rank (11-20)Rank (21-30)Rank (31-40)Rank (41-50)Rank (51-100)Rank (below 100) Zoom ...
Source The World Bank The latest value from 2023 is 17794.78 billion U.S. dollars, a decline from 17881.78 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. In comparison, the world average is 569.16 billion U.S. dollars, based on data from 184 countries. Historically, the average for China from 1960 to...
财联社(上海,编辑 卞纯)讯,世界银行(World Bank)周日在一份报告中表示,由于俄乌冲突导致乌克兰企业关闭、出口锐减,很多地区经济活动无法开展,该国今年的经济产出可能会惊人地萎缩45.1%。世行还预测,由于美国及其西方盟友对俄罗斯银行、国有企业和其它机构实施了惩罚性的金融制裁,俄罗斯2022年的GDP产出将下降11...
就在周五(3 月 31 日),世界银行(World Bank)给出了主要亚太经济体的2023年GDP预测。世界银行预测,受益于中国经济重启与复苏,2023 年,东亚及太平洋地区(EAP)开发中经济体将加速成长,GDP增速将从去年10 月预估的4.6%上调到5.1%。此外,世界银行预测,2023年,EAP(包括中国在内的23国)经济体GDP...
Estimates by World Bank YearGWP per capita Nominal ($)GWP per capita PPP (Int. $)Growth (%) CurrentConstant (2015)CurrentConstant (2021) 2023 13,138 11,567 23,010 20,661 1.780 2022 12,730 11,365 21,656 20,215 2.278 2021 12,362 11,112 19,720 19,724 5.348 2020 10,942 10,548...
数据来源:World Bank 图4 1961-2019中美人均GDP年增长率对比 数据来源:World Bank 二、中美GDP“构”的对比 经济学上常把投资、消费、出口比喻为拉动GDP增长的“三驾马车”。分析中美经济“三驾马车”比重的变化趋势,有助于我们更清晰地了解中美双方经济发展的协调与均衡情况。