The GDP of the top six economies in Southeast Asia (SEA-6)[1]is projected to grow at an annual rate of 5.1% on average with Vietnam and the Philippines driving the region's growth, each expected to exceed 6%, and Indonesia tailing close at 5.7%. For the first time in a decad...
The trade in mechanical and electrical equipment between China and the sixSoutheast Asian countries has grown rapidly. Southeast Asia is becoming animportant export market for China's new energy vehicles. In addition, the ...
IMF曾在2023年预测称,印度将在2026年成为世界第四大经济体,日本的GDP总量届时则将再次下滑,跌至世界第五。 日本GDP已被德国反超,跌出全球前三 中央广播电视总台环球资讯广播消息,日本内阁府当地时间2月15日公布的初步统计结果显示,2023年日本名义国内生产总值(GDP)初步统计数据为591.482万亿日元,约合42106亿美元,低...
According to IMF, Vietnam's GDP was estimated to have reached about 433.3 billion dollars in 2023, which was the fifth highest in Southeast Asia. The UK's independent Center for Economics and Business Research predicted that Viet...
While the report did not forecast the exact FDI figures, it predicted that overseas funding to Southeast Asia will maintain strong growth momentum. Last year, the six economies attracted more foreign capital than China—the first time in a decade. In 2023,FDIsinto the six countries totaled USD...
The richest country in Southeast Asia is Brunei Darussalam. The sources of the country’s prosperity are oil and gas. The IMF estimates that hydrocarbon exports provide more than 70% of income. For comparison: the share of agriculture is less than 1% of GDP. Brunei is ruled by the Sultan,...
In Asia, South Korea narrowly avoided a technical recession with its third-quarter GDP growing 0.1% quarter on quarter, following a 0.2% contraction in the second quarter. It, however, missed Reuters estimates of 0.5% growth. On a year-on-year basis, South Korea's economy grew 1.5%, also...
Barro R (2001) Economic Growth in East Asia Before and After the Financial Crisis. NBER Working Paper. 8330 Bernanke (1983) Irreversibility, uncertainty and cyclical investment. Q J Econ 98(1):85–106 Article Google Scholar Boyd JH, Kwak S, Smith B (2005) The real output losses associate...
"Last year, GAC Aion produced and sold over 480,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 77 percent. This year, we will accelerate our globalization pace and plan to expand market in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, South America, and Africa, aiming for more production and sales...
王爷说财经讯:周二(22日),经济合作与发展组织(OECD,以下简称:经合组织)公布最新3月的《东南亚、中国和印度经济展望报告》(Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India)。 在报告中,经合组织预测,2022年,印度GDP增速或8.1%,而2023年增速将进一步下滑到5.5%。