It can be seen that the ratio of China's PPP to GDP is at a medium level in the world, ...
中国,世界第一了。最新统计消息,2024 年,按 GDP(PPP)计算,世界最大经济体是:China 。(world up dates) 1. 🇨🇳中国:32.89万亿美元 2. 🇺🇸 USA: $26.94T 3. 🇮🇳 India: $13.11 T 4. 🇯🇵 Japan: $6.46T 5. 🇩🇪 Germany: $5.55T 6.🇷🇺 Russia: $5.05T 7. ...
It can be seen that the ratio of China's PPP to GDP is at a medium level in the world, ...
2024, 2025 AND 2030 ESTIMATES FOR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) IN PPP INT$ The GDP data presented below are based on official country data published by the World Bank and IMF, inPurchasing Power Parityterms, corrected using World Economics estimates for out-of-dateGDP base years, and estimate...
#GDP#中美两国#PPP#广州 00:00 / 04:04 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞6694 落晖数据2周前2024年全年全国GDP最新出炉:第四季度增量1.8万亿#gdp #经济发展 #数据可视化 #中国经济 #落神局 00:00 / 00:12 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞248 星洲数据2周前石家庄市、包头市、曲靖市2024年GDP发出,最新数据我们将...
4. There are two main measures of GDP: nominal GDP and purchasing power parity GDP (PPP GDP).5. The following is a list of GDP figures, compiled from different sources for reference. Sources: Wikipedia, List of countries by GDP (nominal), List of countries by GDP (nominal) ...
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in China was worth 17794.78 billion US dollars in 2023, according to official data from the World Bank. The GDP value of China represents 16.88 percent of the world economy. This page provides - China GDP - actual values,
Hong Kong GDP Forecast: $32.830 Trillion in 2024, $34.340 Trillion projected for 2025 (PPP). GDP in China is estimated to be $32.830 Trillion international dollars at the end of 2024 in GDP PPP terms. Looking ahead to 2025, projections suggest Hong Kong's 2025 GDP estimate could be $34.3...
On a nominal basis, the US will be ahead of China by $10.8 trillion in 2025. On a PPP basis, China is ahead of the US by Int. $9.1 trillion, and the gap is increasing. China will remain the world's largest economy on a PPP basis over the next few decades, as the second-...
The latest value for GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) in China was 16,316 as of 2020. Over the past 30 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 16,316 in 2020 and 1,424 in 1990. Definition:GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). ...