"China's per capita GDP is around $13,000, which is similar to South Korea's level in the 1990s. That means there's a huge amount of development space," he said.Quan said given that China's GDP is 126 trillion ...
Real GDPis an inflation-adjusted measure that reflects the number of goods and services produced by an economy in a given year, with prices held constant from year to year to separate out the impact of inflation ordeflationfrom the trend in output over time. Since GDP is based on the monet...
China’s Life Expectancy has continued to grow steadily against America’s more turbulent trend which contrasts to the steadily increasing life spans being recorded in most developed countries (and despite the fact that Americans spend over 50% more on health care per capita than most other ...
Does the Dutch GDP follow the same trend as GDP per capita? The GDP per capita of the Netherlands sees a somewhat similar pattern to the GDP, as it has increased significantly over the past decades. The GDP per capita differs from the GDP because it fluctuates notably more. While GDP on...
The trend of higher per capita daily calorie consumption has continued since the 1950s. It has risen from about 2,078 in 1949-50 to 2,400 in 2001-02 and 2735 in 2021-22. The per capita per day protein intake in grams increased from 63 to 67 to about 75 during these years. Health...
Kenya's manufacturing sector increased by 3.2 percent in the second quarter of 2024. This was an increase to the corresponding quarter of 2023, as the value added by the industry to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 1.5 percent. In general, the growth rate of the manufacturing sector...
The relationship between GDP and cement consumption, plotted by multiple sources and years, shows a general inclination towards a cement consumption of 600kg per capita or less in nations with per capita GDPs in excess of US$25,000. This pattern is usually represented by a trend line with a...
GDP per Capita6393.796250.63USDDec 2023 GDP per Capita PPP23323.9022801.67USDDec 2023 Gross Fixed Capital Formation222114.00196027.00MKD MillionDec 2023 North Macedonia GDP The gross domestic product (GDP) measures of national income and output for a given country's economy. The gross domestic produc...
Panel unit root tests are used to evaluate if real per capita GDP for OECD economies are trend or difference stationary. The panel approaches require that the sFleissig, Adrian R.Strauss, JackSocial Science Electronic PublishingFleisig, A. R., and J. Strauss, " Is OECD Real Per Capita GDP...
Growth comparison It was already noted that in 2023 China's GDP grew by 5.2 percent and the US GDP by 2.5 percent, with China's economy growing more than twice as fast as the US. But it should also be observed that 2023 was an above-trend growth year for the US — US annual averag...