人均国内生产总值28046.9527702.75美元Dec 2023 人均国内生产总值 (以购买力平价计算)46356.6145787.70美元Dec 2023 固定资本形成总额73520.0073553.00欧元 - 百万Jun 2024 西班牙 - 人均国内生产总值 人均国内生产总值是通过将经过通胀调整的国家国内生产总值除以总人口得到的。 当前值,历史数据,预测,统计,图表和经济日历...
Country comparison, you can compare any two countries and see the data side by side. Here you have the comparison of Brazil vs Spain, GDP per capita (Euros)
Singapore (USD) 84,714.000 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023 Slovakia (USD) 20,578.587 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022 Slovenia (USD) 32,172.000 2023 yearly 1980 - 2023 South Africa (USD) 6,667.325 2022 yearly 1957 - 2022 Spain (USD) 27,002.608 2020 yearly 1960 - 2020 Sri Lanka (USD) 3,833....
西班牙2017的西班牙 ES: GDP: PPP:(GDP) Gross Domestic Productper Capita是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 38,090.94201736,305.22201613,634.44199038,090.942017Intl $年1990 - 2017 西班牙 ES: GDP: PPP:(GDP) Gross Domestic Productper Capita的相关指标 ...
The value for GDP per capita (constant LCU) in Spain was 22,478 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 60 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 25,328 in 2019 and a minimum value of 5,602 in 1960.Definition: GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided ...
Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given period. GDP per capita (GDP per citizen) is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living.
Among the top 50 economies with the highest GDP per capita, Guyana has the highest growth rate of 14.44%. Puerto Rico will experience negative growth rates in 2025. Italy and Germany have growth rates below 1%. GDP per capita ranking has been occupied by smaller economies, as among the top...
This list contains projected GDP (Nominal and PPP) of top 50 Countries/Economies in current prices of year by IMF alongside their world rank, % share in world economy, gdp growth rate and gdp per capita.
9. Brazil and Spain tie for tenth place, also with a global GDP share of 1.4%.10. The remaining percentage of global GDP, 44.2%, is collectively held by other countries and regions.11. The GDP ranking of 2023 reflects the economic strengths of nations around the world, ...
Cambodia's GDP Per Capita - Data Quality GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT PER CAPITA DATA QUALITY, 2023 Major differences exist in the quality of both GDP and population data between countries. When GDP and population data of poor quality are combined to produce GDP per capita data the accuracy of the ...