GDP per Capita PPP 9172.10 8594.43 USD Dec 2023 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 15206.25 15701.94 INR Billion Jun 2024 Gross National Product 17034386.00 15681337.00 INR Tens Of Million Dec 2023India GDP per capita PPP The GDP per capita PPP is obtained by dividing the country’s gross domestic prod...
Definition: GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. GDP at ...
The PPP/GDP ratio has a great relationship with per capita income. In most developed countries, the ratio is lower than 1.75, while in most poor countries, it is higher than 1.75. PPP/GDP比率与人均收入有很大关系。在大多数发达国家,这一比率低于1.75,而在大多数贫穷国家,这一比率高于1.75。 Howe...
Statistical Concept and Methodology:Because exchange rates do not always reflect differences in price levels between countries, GDP and GDP per capita estimates are converted into international dollars using purchasing power parity (PPP) rates. PPP rates provide a standard measure allowing comparison of ...
国际货币基金组织公布..2024年主要发达国家人均平价购买力排名(GDP per capita purchasing power parity):单位:国际元(international dollars)1.美国:8.66万
Global GDP per capita in terms of PPP is forecast to be around Int. $24,469, Int. $1,095 up compared to Int. $23,374 in 2023. Per capita income in PPP, which gives better living standard estimates, is 177% of the nominal. During three years, global per capita income grew by ...
Regarding ppp per capita, Luxembourg is ahead of 2nd-ranked occupier Singapore by a low margin of Int. $2,960. In the nominal ranking, there would be three changes in the top 10 list as Switzerland, the United States, and Macao would overtake Ireland, Iceland, and Qatar, respectively. ...
Historically, from 1980 until 2011, India GDP per capita PPP averaged 1446.39 USD reaching an all time high of 3649.53 USD in December of 2011 and a record low of 419.87 USD in December of 1980. The GDP per capita PPP is obtained by dividing the country’s gross domestic product, ...
GDP per capita---人均国内生产总值 PPP $39,692 International Dollars ---国际购买力平价39,692美元 estimate---估值。
[Woraph]世界人均购买力平价GDP(GDP per capita PPP)最低TOP105国家或地区排行演变历史(1960~2019) 4021播放 ·总弹幕数52020-08-11 00:04:41 483233 稿件投诉 笔记 YouTube:Woraph 数据可视化...