Define GDP per capita. GDP per capita synonyms, GDP per capita pronunciation, GDP per capita translation, English dictionary definition of GDP per capita. n. Abbr. GDP The total market value of all the goods and services produced within the borders of a
Malaysia has had one of the best economic records in Asia, with GDP growing an average 6.5 per cent annually from 1957 to 2005. Malaysia's economy in 2014–2015 was one of the most competitive in Asia, ranking 6th in As...
5. The following is a list of GDP figures, compiled from different sources for reference. Sources: Wikipedia, List of countries by GDP (nominal), List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita, List of countries by GDP (PPP), List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita.
(ii) to convert volume and per capita measures of gross domestic product (GDP) and its expenditure components into a common currency using PPPs. PPPs convert different currencies to a common currency and, in the process of conversion, equalize their purchasing power by controlling for di...
不过如果要衡量一个国家的人是不是真富,我们还还得看人均GDP这个指标GDP per capita 2020年刚开年,中国的人均GDP已突破了1万美元大关,接近“高收入国家”的行列了。 但是你知道吗? 有这么32个国家,现在常常被国人误以为是穷国,或者不怎么样的国家,但他们的人均GDP现在都比我们高,有的还高不少呢。
Articles for translators and translation agencies: Translation Industry: GDP per capita in different countries in 2013.
In 2021 Bangladesh gdp per capita 2227$ and India 2100$. I think within 10 years Bangladesh per capita will be 50%-100% larger than India. 2021年,孟加拉国人均gdp为2227美元,印度为2100美元。我认为在10年内,孟加拉国的人均人口将比印度多50%-100%。
Wikipedia </>embed</> value gross domesti... GDP noun Synonyms for GDP nounthe measure of an economy adopted by the United States in 1991 Synonyms gross domestic product Related Words value Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
(中国5.75万亿美元) 分享3赞 电影票房吧 贴吧用户_0E4RaD9 【转载】2012年世界人均gdp排名国际货币基金组织2013年4月16日发布 排名 国家/地区 人均GDP($) 001 分享2赞 饶阳吧 牢骚调查分析 2014年世界人均GDP排名(转)2014年...
ListofcountriesbyGDP(nominal)percapita FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia Jumpto:navigation,search Countriesby2011GDP(nominal)percapita. [1] over$102,400 $51,200–102,400 $25,600–51,200 $12,800–25,600 $6,400–12,800 $3,200–6,400 Thisarticleincludesfourlistsofcountriesoftheworldsortedbytheir...